FC Dinamo Tbilisi defeated FC Saburtalo

FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Saburtalo in Erovnuli Liga 8th round match. Our team started the match actively and created two dangerous attacked in the beginning. Saba Lobzhanidze and Bachana Arabuli played actively. On 9th minute Lasha Shindagoridze tried to score, but Litovchenko received the ball. On 20th minute Dinamo created dangerous attack. Mishenko attacked from right wing, he passed to Lobzhanidze, who played technically and passed to Arabuli, although the pass was a bit high and Bachana’s header appeared to be inexact. In ten minute Lobzhnaidze and Arabuli attacked but failed to score. In the end of the first half Irakli Bidzinashvili kicked inexactly and ball overcame Dinamo’s door. 10 minutes were passed after beginning the second half when Saba Lobzhanidze played actively in the center, passed to Arabuli who kicked a bit inexactly. In several minutes Giorgi Chakvetadze played technically well and gave a fast pass to Saba Lobzhanidze who scored the first goal-1:0. On 62nd minute Elvin Tera kicked dangerously, but Litovchenko repelled. In response Lobzhanidze passed to Arabuli from corner. Lobzhanidze was substituted by Giorgi Tevzadze who scored on 76th minute from long distance. After that Tevzadze and Lochoshvili repelled Saburtalo’s two attacks. Finally Dinamo won the fifth match in turn. Our team will play the next match on April 26. Dinamo will compete with FC Samguralo Tskaltubo in Martvili on Georgian Cup 1/8 final stage.


Dinamo  2:0  Saburtalo


Goal: 1:0 Lobzhanidze 57’  2:0 Tevzadze 76’ 

Booked: Arziani 51’  Totadze 52’ 


Dinamo: Litovchenko, Mishenko, Gvelesiani, Lochoshvili, Totadze, Kardava, Kiteishvili, Chakvetadze, Mikeltadze, Lobzhanidze (Tevzadze 69), Arabuli (Meskhi 91)

Saburtalo: Kupatadze, Tera (Mali 65), Margvelashvili, Tsnobiladze, Lakvekheliani, Mamuchashvili, Arziani, Gonsalesh, Bidzinashvili (Chogadze 46), Imnadze, Shindagoridze

Referee: L. Silagava




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