Dinamo won the Super Cup for the 9th time

Today, the final of Georgian Super Cup was held at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi faced FC Dinamo Batumi.


Both teams started the final actively and offered a high rhythm to the fans who came to the stadium. Methodically, the advantage of the capital city was highlighted, Tbilisi citizens spent relatively more time in the opponent's half. Ousmane Camara, Imran Oulad Omar and Davit Skhirtladze created semi-dangerous moments in the first 15 minutes. Batumi started a quick counterattack on 25th minute and ended it successfully. Giovino Flamarion scored the goal. After the goal, Skhirtladze was active again, he broke into the penalty area, but he could not beat the goalkeeper. The visitors won the half with a minimal score.


The hosts started the second half at a high pace, and in the first attack, Barnes Osei broke into the penalty area with the ball, but at the last second, Sasha Balic eased the situation. On the 53rd minute of the match, Dinamo’s captain could make the situation worse, but he could not hit the ball in the penalty area. Meanwhile, torrential rain came along with the game. After a while, Imran went one on one with the goalkeeper, but hit it weakly. The attacks of Tbilisi brought the final result on the 77th minute. The ball from the corner was sent by Gabriel Sigua, who came on as a substitute – 1:1. Meanwhile, Tornike Kirkitadze got injured and Dinamo team was left with 10 men. Before the end of the main time of the match, a free kick was awarded to the goal of the capital city, and the strongest and most dangerous shot by Vladimir Mamuchashvili was saved by Giorgi Loria in an acrobatic jump. No more goals were scored and a post-match penalty shoot-out was called to decide the winner. Loria took the first shot from the captain of Batumi, but Skhirtladze couldn't shoot either. Mamuchashvili opened the score in penalties, Chichkan took Camara, Zaria hit successfully and the situation of the home team became difficult. Kharaishvili used his chance, but Mosiashvili missed it and after Moistsrapishvili's shot, the difference was equalized 2-2. Flamarion and Maisuradze executed their penalty kicks accurately, Kharebava missed, and Sigua took the last shot and it was 4-3. Dinamo Tbilisi won Georgian Super Cup for the ninth time in its history. Zaria hit successfully and the home team's situation became difficult. Kharaishvili used his chance, but Mosiashvili missed it and after Moipurishvili's shot, the difference was equalized 2-2. Flamarion and Maisuradze executed their penalty kicks accurately, Kharebava missed, and Sigua took the last shot and it was 4-3. Dinamo Tbilisi won the Georgian Super Cup for the 9th time in its history. 


Giorgi Tchiabrishvili's teamwill play the next match on the first qualifying stage of the Champions League. The match will be held on July 12 in the capital of Kazakhstan, against local FC Astana at 18.00 Tbilisi time.


Match report




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