Dinamo defeated Shukura with big score

Today Kobuleti hosted Erovnuli Liga XVI round match at Chele Arena. Local FC Shukura hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. The match started unpleasantly for our team. On 6th minute ball touched Lasha Totadze’s hand, so he received yellow card and penalty was appointed. Levan Kutalia kicked exactly and scored the first goal. Dinamo managed to equalize score in few minutes. Giorgi Chakvetadze played technically well, deceived several defenders and passed to Bachana Arabuli who equalized the score. On 19th minute Dinamo scored the second goal. Saba Lobzhanidze kicked exactly after Chakvetadze’s good playing and finally ball touched Roman Chachua-1:2. In ten minutes Saba Lobzhanidze scored the third goal. On 37th minute Bachana Arabuli had chance to score although goalkeeper saved his team. The first time finished with the score 1:3 and Dinamo’s priority. Kakhi Kacharava started the second half with substitution. Giorgi Kutsia entered the pitch instead of Otar Kiteishvili. In a minute he scored the fourth goal with long distance. Young footballer scored from about 35 meters distance. On 68th minute our team had chance to increase score, but Shukura’s defense played well. One of the best players of today’s match Giorgi Chakvetadze attacked, but finally Beka Mikeltadze missed the target. After that nothing important has happened and Dinamo gained three points. Giorgi Zaria missed the match because of trauma. He won’t be able to play in youth national team with the same reason. Dinamo will play the next match on June 17 against FC Saburtalo. 

Shukura 1:4 Dinamo


Goal: 1:0 Kutalia (pen) 7’  1:1 Arabuli 15’  1:2 Lobzhanidze 19’  1:3 Lobzhanidze 28’  1:4 Kutsia 47’ 

Booked: Totadze 6’  Malazonia 38’  Sturua 59’ 


Shukura: Sturua (Kaminski 58), Tsetskhladze, Chachua, Makharadze, Kalandadze, Klimiashvili (Malazonia 35), Zhefinau, Kutalia, Guruli (Tchetchelashvili 83), Arkania, Shalamberidze

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Tevzadze, Lochoshvili, Totadze, Salukvadze, Kardava, Kiteishvili (Kutsia 46), Chakvetadze, Lobzhanidze, Mikeltadze (Meskhi 79), Arabuli (Papunashvili 75)


Referee: A.Nonikashvili

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