Dinamo finished camp with victory

Today Dinamo Tbilisi played the last sparring match in Belek. Our team competed with FC Abdysh-Ata. Dinamo gained game and territorial priority from the beginning. On 11th minute Otar Kvernadze had chance to score but badly received ball from Saba Tavadze. In the next episode Gia Chaduneli played with header. On 25th minute Giorgi Zaria kicked but failed. In several minutes our team was saved when FC Abdysh-Ata kicked from corner and nobody received the ball. After that Dinamo scored. Giorgi Chakvetadze is the author of the first goal. In the end of the first half Chaduneli was active but was a bit inexact. Dinamo started the second half actively and the first dangerous moment was created after Davit Kobouri’s kick, although goalkeeper repelled on corner. The next attack of Dinamo finished with goal. Chakvetadze’s and Kutsi’a combination was finished by Kutsia’s goal. In 2 minutes Chakvetadze kicked but inexactly. On 72nd minute Giorgi Kutsia played well but failed to score. After that Otar Kvernadze kicked but door log saved our rival from goal. In 5 minutes Kvernadze attacked although inexactly. On 89th minute forward of our rival benefited from inattentiveness of our defenders and kicked but failed. This was the only attempt of our rival to score. Nothing has changed ad the match finished with the victory of Dinamo 2:0. Our team finished the camp and tomorrow it will leave for homeland.

Dinamo 2:0 Abdysh-Ata


Goal: 1:0 Chakvetadze 36’ 2:0 Kutsia 53’ 


Dinamo: Litovchenko (Begashvili 46), Kobouri, Lochoshvili, Gvelesiani, Chaduneli, Ninua, Chakvetadze, Zaria, Tavadze, Kutsia, Kvernadze


Abdysh-Ata: Akimashev, Jitanov, Karinov, Manobekov, Kuzdyakin, Sorigenko, Kukharenkov, Jumabaev, Satyev, Temyrbaev, Sardarbekov

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