Dinamo started the season with victory

Today Dinamo Arena hosted national league first round match. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Kolkheti Poti and started the season with victory. Bachana Arabuli created the first dangerous moment when he kicked from long distance, although goalkeeper repelled. On 26th minute Dinamo opened the score. Arabuli received the ball from Otar Kiteishvili kicked with header. On 34th minute Tamaz Jishkariani kicked a bit inexactly. In several minutes Papunashvili kicked, but Arabuli’s header was not exact. In the next episode Tebidze repelled Otar Kiteishvili’s kick. No dangerous moments were created in the first half after that. The second half started more actively. The teams tried to gain priority in the center. On 73rd minute Dinamo created a nice combination. Bogdan Mishenko passed to Totadze from right wing and kicked to Mikeltadze, who failed to score in the end. During additional time our rival created to attacks. Sergei Litovchenko repelled Mikola Kovtaliuk’s kick on corner. After the corner Giorgi Bukhaidze kicked, but Dinamo’s goalkeeper saved his team again. Finally Dinamo started the season with victory. Our team will play the next match on March 11 against FC Locomotive at Mikheil Meskhi stadium.

Dinamo 1:0 Kolkheti

Goal: 1:0 Arabuli 26’

Booked: V.Kilasonia 37’ Jishkariani 59’ Mishenko 60’ Gvelesiani 65’ Totadze 66’ Zaria 76’

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Mishenko, Totadze, Gvelesiani, Salukvadze, Kardava, Zaria, Kiteishvili (Chakvetadze 75), Mikeltadze, Papunashvili (Kutsia 83), Arabuli

Kolkheti: Tebidze, G.Kilasonia, Kerdzevadze (Shalikashvili 80), Keburia, Dape (Bukhaidze 71), Iuma, Janelidze, Jishkariani, Kovtaliuk, Endeladze (Lukava 46), V.Kilasonia

Referee: G. Vadachkoria



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