Dinamo lost with Dila

National league third round match took place at Dinamo Arena in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Dila Gori. The guest team created the first dangerous moment. On 9th minute Ribeiru kicked but nobody received the ball. In response Giorgi Papunashvili attacked but defender saved Dila. After that Dinamo kicked two corners. On 19th minute Dinamo’s attack had result. Bakar Kardava played well in the center, deceived several footballers and kicked straight to door. Bachana Arabuli received the ball and scored the first goal of the match. In three minutes Tengiz Tsirakidze equalized the score. On 30th minute of the match when Otar Kiteishvili kicked, Giorgi Chakvetadze received and kicked but Mikheil Mujrishvili repelled on corner.

The second half started with Dinamo’s attack. Giorgi Chakvetadze passed to Arabuli from center, who kicked but ball overcame Dila’s door. After 10 minutes Arabuli kicked but missed the target. Our team gained the priority. Dinamo couldn’t use one more real moment. Giorgi Gvelesiani couldn’t reach Gia Chaduneli’s pass. In response Aleksandre Kvakhadze attacked Dinamo but missed the target. On 72nd minute Gia Chaduneli received second yellow card and left the field. Kirkitadze scored the second goal. On 84th minute Mikheil Ergemlidze substituted Giorgi Papunashvili who played 50th match in Dinamo. For Ergemlidze this was the first official match in Dinamo. During additional time Otar Kiteishvili received the second yellow card and was sent off. He will miss the next match on April 2 against Samtredia. Finally match finished with the victory of FC Dila.  

Dinamo 1:2  Dila


Goal: 1:0 Arabuli 19’ 1:1 Tsikaridze 22’  1:2 Kirkitadze 74’ 

Booked: Kirkitadze 40’ Ribeiru 42’  Chaduneli 45’ 72’  Kiteishvili 82’ 91’

Sent off: Chaduneli 72’  Kiteishvili 91’ 

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Chaduneli, Totadze, salukvadze, Gvelesiani, Kardava, Zaria (Mikeltadze 79), Chakvetadze, Kiteishvili, Papunashvili (Ergemlidze 84), Arabuli

Dila: Mujrishvili, Machaidze, Kvakhadze, Karkuzashvili, Etou, Papava (Razmadze 83), Kirkitadze, Leonardu (Nonikashvili 63), Ribeiru

Referee: Giorgi Kruashvili

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