Dinamo is on the first place

Today FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Shukura Kobuleti in Erovnuli Liga VII round match at Dinamo Arena. The host team started the match actively and gained the priority. Beka Mikeltadze had chance to score on the second minute who appeared in front of goalkeeper, but Jioev played well. After several attempts Dinamo scored on 14th minute. Otar Kiteishvili passed to Giorgi Papunashvili from center, who scored with strong kick. After the goal our team continued to play in high speed. On 38th minute Giorgi Papunashvili had chance to score after Saba Lobzhanidze’s pass, but Jioev played well again. Nothing changed in the first half. In the beginning of the second half Dinamo missed one more chance to score. Jioev repelled Otar Kiteishvili’s kick on corner. On 55th minute Papunashvili kicked from corner and Giorgi Gvelesiani kicked with header. Although door log saved Shukura. After that Bachana Arabuli scored the second goal. In six minutes Saba Lobzhanidze scored the third goal after Giorgi Papunashvili’s kick. After 10 minutes our team created nice combination. Giorgi Chakvetadze passed to Bachana Arabuli who performed double. On 79th minute Arabuli performed hattrick. Chakvetadze made a goal pass. Finally Dinamo won the score 5:0 and moved to the first place in the table. Kakhi Kacharava’s team will play the next match on April 23 against FC Saburtalo.


Dinamo 5:0 Shukura


Goal: 1:0 Papunashvili 14’  2:0 Arabuli 55’  3:0 Lobzhanidze 61’  4:0 Arabuli 72’  5:0 Arabuli 79’  

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Mishenko, Gvelesiani, Lochoshvili, Totadze, Kardava (Ninua 77), Kiteishvili, Mikeltadze, Lobzhanidze (Chakvetadze 68), Papunashvili (Zaria 72), Arabuli

Shukura: Jioev (Sturua57), Chachua, Kletskov, Makharadze, Tsetskhladze, Klimiashvili, Zhefiniu, Guruli (Arkania 46), Sabadze (Mamulashvili 37), Kutalia, Artmelidze 

Referee: Giorgi Kruashvili

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