FC Dinamo Tbilisi won the seventh match in turn

Today Erovnuli Liga 10th round match was held in Kobuleti. FC Kolkheti Poti hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. Before the match Kakhi Kacharava was awarded as the best coach of the first stage. On 15th minute our head coach had to make substitution as Giorgi Gvelesiani was injured and Giorgi Papunashvili substituted him. In several minutes Dinamo created dangerous attack. Beka Mikeltadze kicked, but Stefan Sikach repelled ball on corner. Half an hour had passed from the beginning of the match and Dinamo had chance to score. Giorgi Papunashvili gave an exact pass to Mikeltadze but goalkeeper played well. After that our rival started to attack and kicked two corners. In response Giorgi Chakvetadze kicked although Sikach repelled again. On 35th minute Bachana Arabuli attacked from left wing, passed to Mikeltadze who scored with exact kick. On the last minute of the first half our team started dangerous counter attack. Giorgi Papunashvili passed to Arabuli who appeared alone in front of goalkeeper, but he was stopped by Tamaz Zhishkariani. Referee sent off Zhishkariani and Lasha Totadze kicked from penalty area, although door log repelled the ball. Giorgi Zaria played well and scored the second goal. Both teams started the second half quietly. After 10 minutes Arabuli kicked but ball overcame Kolkheti’s door. On 59th minute Giorgi Chakvetadze scored with Arabuli’s pass-0:3. On 77th minute Beka Mikeltadze kicked but missed the target. Finally nothing has changed and FC Dinamo Tbilisi won the seventh match in turn. Our team will play the next match on May 10 against FC Locomotive at Dinamo Arena.  

Kolkheti  0:3  Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Mikeltadzeე 35’  0:2 Zaria 45’  0:3 Chakvetadze 59’ 

Booked: Kovtaliuk 14’  Zhishkariani 25’  Mishenko 49’  Bolkvadze 68’ 


Kolkheti: Sikach, G.Kilasonia, Gogonaia, Kerdzevadze, kakulia Dapi (Bukhaidze 68), Otienko (Korobka 24), Janelidze (Bolkvadze 64), Zhishkariani, Kovtaliuk, V.Kilasonia

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Mishenko, Gvelesiani (Papunashvili 17), Lochoshvili, Totadze, Kiteishvili, Zaria (Ninua 85), Tevzadze, Mikeltadze, Chakvetadze, Arabuli (Meskhi 76)


Referee: G.Vadatchkoria



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