Tenth victory in the season

Today Erovnuli Liga 13th round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Samtredia. It’s worth mentioning that this match justified hopes of people who came at the stadium. In the beginning Dinamo kicked quite dangerous corner but Samtredia footballers saved their team on the last minute. On fifth minute Giorgi Papunashvili passed exactly to Saba Lobzhanidze but Bachana Arabuli couldn’t reach the ball after his kck. In response Davit Chagelishvili kicked from long distance and Litovchenko repelled on corner. In the next episode Giorgi Chakvetadze played technically well. Giorgi Papunashvili received the ball but couldn’t kick. On 26th minute Dinamo’s attack had result. Lasha Totadze attacked from right wing and Bachana Arabuli kicked with header 1:0. In 10 minutes Dinamo scored the second goal in the same situation. Luka Lochoshvili scored after Giorgi Papunashvili’s pass-2:0. The second half started actively too. On 53rd minute Davit Chagelishvili kicked header although Litovchenko received the ball. On 63rd minute Giorgi Mchedlishvili scored. The match continued actively and Dinamo attacked. On 71st minute Otar KIteishvili and Giorgi Chakvetadze couldn’t use real mment to score. After Saba Lobzhanidze’s pass Arabuli kicked inexactly. In five minutes Samtredia scored the second goal. Giorgi Datunaashvili equalized the score 2:2. On 83rd minute Bachana Arabuli had chance to score, but Omar Migineishvili repelled. On 87th minute Miginieishvili saved his team from Dinamo’s attack again. On 89th minute Beka Kavtaradze substitutes Giorgi Chakvetadze. Finally on 93rd minute Bachana Arabuli managed to score. Dinamo won the tenth match in the season and is on the first place with 31 points. Our team will play the next match on May 24 in Ivantsminda against FC Chikhura Sachkhere.


Dinamo  3:2  Samtredia


Goal: 1:0 Arabuli 26’  2:0 Lochoshvili 37’  2:1 Mchedlishvili 63’  2:2 Datunaishvili 76’  3:2 Arabuli 90+3’

Booked: Gogiashvili 44’  Kutsia 58’  Mchedlishvili 76’ 


Dinamo: Litovchenko, Kutsia, Lochoshvili, Gvelesiani, Totadze, Kardava, Kiteishvili (Zaria  74), Papunashvili (Tevzadze 68), Lobzhanidze, Chakvetadze (Kavtaradze 89), Arabuli

Samtredia: Migineishvili, Mchedlishvili (Kasradze 90), Gogiashvili, Sandokhadze, Akhaladze, Manjgaladze, Datunaishvili, Razhamashvili, Chagelishvili (Samushia 55), Beriashvili, Jikia  (Belov 64)


Referee: Davit Kharitonashvili



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