Dinamo defeated Dinamo Batumi with the score 4: 0

Dinamo Arena hosted Erovnuli Liga XV round match. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Dinamo Batumi. Both teams started the match actively. The guest team created the first dangerous moment. On 4th minute Teimuraz Shonia kicked from long distance. In response Bachana Arabuli attacked but without result. On 19th minute Saba Lozbhanidze attacked from left wing, passed the rival, and kicked. Bachana Arabuli received the ball but couldn’t kick exactly. In the next episode our captain kicked strongly but inexactly. On 28th minute Dinamo started fast and nice counter attack. Giorgi Chakvetadze kicked but defender repelled on the last minute. On 35th minute our team scored. Giorgi Tevzadze kicked from left wing, Beka Mikeltadze received the ball and kicked exactly-1:0. Before that Otar Kiteishvili played well in the center. In Several minutes Arabuli kicked header but missed the target. Finally Dinamo won the first half with the score 1:0. In the beginning of the second half Gela Gogitidze kicked from long distance and door log saved our team. In response Luka Lochoshvili kicked. On 65th minute our team scored the second goal after Arabuli-Mikeltadze-Lobzhanidze’s combination. On 71st minute Giorgi Gvelesiani played exactly and scored the second goal.-3:0. Ten minutes were left before finishing the match and Arabuli had chance to score but missed the target. In the next episode Saba Lobzhanidze scored his second goal after Arabuli’s pass. Finally our team defeated FC Dinamo Batumi with the core 4:0. On June 1 our team will compete with FC Shukura in Kobuleti.


Dinamo Tbilisi  4:0  Dinamo Batumi


Goal: 1:0 Mikeltadze 35’  2:0 Lobzhanidze 65’  3:0 Gvelesiani 71’  4:0 Lobzhanidze 80’ 


Dinamo Tbilisi : Litovchenko, Tevzadze, Lochoshvili, Gveelsiani, Mishenko (Salukvadze 56), Kardava, Kiteishvili, Chakvetadze (Ninua 88), Lobzhanidze (Kobouri 85), Mikeltadze, Arabuli

Dinamo Batumi: Takidze, Gogitidze, Kvirkvelia, Sukhiashvili (Tevdoradze 32), Partenadze, Tvildiani, Tarkhnishvili, Shonia, Kenedy (Kvantaliani 71), Kvasov (Gorlishvili 84)


Referee: P. Matcharadze




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