Dinamo defeated Chikhura 5:0

Dinamo Arena hosted Erovnuli Liga 23rd round match between FC Dinamo Tbilisi and FC Chikhura. Our team started the match actively and Giorgi Chakvetadze attacked during the first minutes. In response Chikhura also attacked but Papuna Poniava failed to score. Gegechkori-Kovtaliuk-Ninua’s combination should be followed by goal but in vain. On 19th minute Levan Gegechkori kicked, but missed the target. On 34th minute Akaki Shulaia gave an exact pass to Beka Mikeltadze, who played actively and Tornike Grigalashvili scored auto-goal. No more dangerous moments were created in the first half. The second half started actively and our team scored 2 goals in 2 minutes. On 53rd minute Chakvetadze passed to Mikeltadze who kicked in penalty area and Akaki Shulaia scored his first goal in Dinamo. In a minute he passed to Mikeltadze who scored the third goal. On 60th minute Lasha Chikvaidze received the second yellow card and left the field. In five minutes Beka Mikeltadze scored the fourth goal. Akaki Shulaia made a goal pass. On 83rd minute Lasha Kochladze scored 5:0. Finally the match finished with this score. Our team won the tenth match at Dinamo Arena in turn and gathered 2000 points in national championship.

Our team will play the next match in Batumi against local Dinamo on August 26. 


Dinamo  5:0  Chikhura


Goal: 1:0 Grigalashvili (auto-goal) 34’  2:0 Shulaia 53’  3:0 Mikeltadze 54’  4:0 Mikeltadze 74’   5:0 Kochladze

Booked: Kardava 22’  Gabedava 39’ Kovtaliuk 45’  Chikvaidze 58’ Chikvaidze 69’ 

Sent off: Chikvaidze 69’ 


Dinamo: Revishvili, Gegechkori, Kobouri, Totadze, tevzadze, kardava (Liluashvili 82), Ninua, Shulaia, Chakvetadze, Mikeltadze, Kovtaliuk (Kochladze 67)

Chikhura: Mtskerashvili, Grigalashvili, Mirtskhulava, Poniava (Kvernadze 61), Gabedava (Gorgiashvili 61), Sardalishvili (Dekanoidze 61), Kakubava, Ivanishvili, Chikvaidze, Kashia, Tatanashvili


Referee: G. Vadachkoria

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