Dinamo defeated Torpedo 2:1

Today 65th Georgian derby took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Torpedo Kutaisi. Both teams started the match actively. The host team kicked on target first. Beka Mikeltadze kicked header. On 12th minute our team attacked and Bachana Arabuli had chance to score, although defender of Torpedo played well in the last minute. Arabuli tried to score after corner kick but failed. After that match went on in very strain situation. On 38th minute Tornike Kapanadze missed the target. In response Giorgi Papunashvili started dribbling, but he was stopped. Lasha Totadze performed free kick, but Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled. On 43rd minute Torpedo opened the score. Grigol Dolidze scored. The first half finished this way. Dinamo renewed the second half with substitution. Giorgi Chakvetadze entered the field instead of Giorgi Kutsia. On 51st minute Dinamo equalized the score. Giorgi Papunashvili kicked from about 20 meters after Saba Lobzhanidze’s pass and scored 1:1. On 62nd minute Saba Lobzhanidze played individually and deceived several footballers, passed the goalkeeper and kicked but defender managed to repel. Dinamo attacked and on 66th minute Saba Lobzhanidze kicked from corner, ball touched Kurtsidze and went straight to door-2:1. In several minute Papunashvili had chance to score one more goal but he missed the target. On 82nd minute Giorgi Chakvetadze and Saba Lobzhanidze played a good combination, but failed to score. In the next episode Beka Mikeltadze kicked. At first Kvaskhvadze and then door log repelled his kick. Finally Dinamo played a good second half and defeated the rival. With this match the first stage of this championship has finished. Our team gathered 43 points in 18 matches and is on the first place with 42/11 goal difference.  

Dinamo 2:1 Torpedo


Goal: 0:1 Dolidze 43’ 1:1 Papunashvili 51’ 2:1 Khurtsidze 66’ 

Booked: Tughushi 39’ Papunashvili 51’ Chakvetadze 64’ 


Dinamo: Litovchenko, Totadze, Gvelesiani, Salukvadze, Mishenko, Kardava, Kutsia (Chakvetadze 46), Lobzhanidze, Papunashvili (Tevzadze 92), Mikeltadze, Arabuli

Torpedo: Kvaskhvadze, Tchitchinadze, Khurtsilava, Babunashvili (Khurtsidze 64), Kapanadze, Kukhianidze (Kuchukhidze 72), Guruli, Dolidze, Kimadze, Gigauri, Tughushi (Saghrishvili 86)


Referee: G. Kruashvili

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