Dinamo lost with FC Saburtalo

Today Erovnuli Liga 26th round match took place at Dinamo Arena, in which Dinamo hosted FC Saburtalo. The match started with attacks. At first Akaki Shulaia attacked but in response Davit Volkov scored on the fourth minute. Mikeltadze had chance to score but goalkeeper repelled.  In the next episode Lasha Totadze kicked but ball touched footballer standing in the wall and changed direction. Mykola Kovtalyuk had chance to score but missed the target. Dinamo attacked and missed one more chance to score. Shulaia kicked but Lazare Kupatadze saved his team.  On 23rd minute Giorgi Zaria attacked and deceived defender, gave exact pass to Beka Mikeltadze, whose kick was repelled by Kupatadze again. Massive attack had result on 27th minute. Lasha Totadze received ball from Shulaia from right wing and equalized the score 1:1. On 34th minute Dinamo was saved from goal. Giorgi Kharaishvili missed the target. In three minutes Vladimer Mamuchashvili kicked exactly and scored the second goal 1:2. Soon the first half finished. The second half finished like the first one. In 4 minutes Volkov performed double. On 57th minute Nukri Revishvili saved Dinamo when repelled Vladimer Mamuchashvili’s kick from short distance.  In 3 minutes Kharaishvili kicked but door log saved Dinamo, although he managed to score on 71st minute. On 82nd minute Lasha Kochladze kicked but missed the target. Finally Dinamo lost with the score 1:4. 


Dinamo  1:4  Saburtalo


Goal: 0:1 Volkov 4’  1:1 Totadze 27’  1:2 Mamuchashvili 37’  1:3 Volkov 49’  1:4 Kharaishvili 71’ 

Booked: Tarkhnishvili 14’  Revishvili 49’ Liluashvili 61’ 


Dinamo: Revishvili, Gegechkori, Kobouri, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kardava (Kochladze 61), Ninua, Shulaia, Zaria (Kavtaradze 78), Mikeltadze, Kovtalyuk (Liluashvili 46)

Saburtalo: Kupatadze, Iashvili (Mali 81), Margvelashvili, Grigalashvili, Lakvekheliani, Mamuchashvili, Tarkhnishvili, Shindagoridze, Volkov (Tera 75), Kokhreidze (Muiech 70), Kharaishvili


Referee: G. Vadachkoria

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