Draw with FK Čukarički

FC Dinamo Tbilisi played the first friendly match on camp in Slovenia. Our team competed with FK Čukarički. Both teams started the match actively and created dangerous moments. On 12th minute our team missed chance to score. Giorgi Tevzadze kicked after Dinamo’s attack but Kirovski repelled on corner on the last minute. In three minutes goalkeeper repelled Lasha Kochladze’s kick. After that Mikeltadze missed the target. On 20th minute Dinamo has chance to score again. Akaki Shulaia kicked header after Tevzadze’s pass from left wing. In the end of the first half FK Čukarički attacked. This time Demetre Buliskiria played well and repelled on corner. The second half was different from the first one. Both teams made changes. On 75th minute Kvaratskhelia kicked and ball touched defender on hand. Referee continued the game and Shulaia kicked from long distance but goalkeeper repelled. Serbs could finish their attack successfully but missed the target. Finally the match finished with draw 0:0. It’s worth mentioning that Dinamo played this match with different squad. Our team missed Giorgi Kutsia, Giorgi Chakvetadze and Davit Kobouri who play U19 European Championship. Luka Lochoshvili, Giorgi Zaria and Otar Kiteishvili are injured. Dinamo will play next sparring on July 8 against NK Rudeš.

Dinamo  0:0  Čukarički

Dinamo: Buliskiria, Mishenko (Ergemlidze 22, Pochkhua 72, P.Kiteishvili 88), Kapianidze (Kvaratskhelia 40), Totadze, Tevzadze, Kardava, Ninua (Dartsmelia 62), Piliev (Kharshiladze 52), Shulaia, Kochladze (Gamtsemlidze 59), Mikeltadze (Liluashvili 46)

Čukarički: Kirovski, Bogosavac, Radonic, Lagator, Juric, Kajevic, Bozic, Ozegovic, Opbradovic, Puskaric, Crnomarković

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