Draw with FC Zorya

Today FC Dinamo Tbilisi played the third and last friendly match on camp in Slovenia. FC Zorya that is on the third place in Ukrainian championship and prepares for Europa League matches competed with our team. Our team started the match actively and Akaki Shulaia had chance to score on the 3rd minute. Goalkeeper repelled his kick. In two minutes Zorya’s goalkeeper saved his team from Bakar Kardava. On 20th minute Dinamo created nice combination with Mikita Kovtalyuk and Lasha Kochladze’s participation. Goalkeeper of Luhansk reaches Kochaldze’s kick and repelled ball on corner. On 25th minute Nukri Revishvili repelled Liubenovic’s kick on corner. In response our team attacked and Mikheil Ergemlidze played inexactly. In 10 minutes Kovtaliuk failed to score. The first half went on with Dinamo’s full priority. The second half started with Zorya’s attack, although Sergey Litovchenko played well. Totadze has chance to score but Lunin repelled.  On 53rd minute Ukrainian team kicked from corner that was followed by Oleksandr Svatok’s goal 0:1. On 61st minute Mikola Kovtaliuk equalized the score 1:1. Before that Ergemlidze played well from left wing and gave an exact pass to Ukrainian forward. Soon Shulaia had chance to score again but goalkeeper repelled. After Ergemlidze’s pass Liluashvili kicked header but failed to score. On the last minute Zorya had chance to score but door log saved Dinamo. Finally match finished with darw 1:1. Our team will return to Georgia tomorrow and on July 21 Dinamo will host FC Kolkheti Poti in Erovnuli Liga XIX round match.


Dinamo 1:1 Zorya

Goal0:1 Svatok 53’   1:1 Kovtaliuk 61’ 

Dinamo: Revishvili (Litovchenko 46), Gegechkori, Kapianidze, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kardava (Dartsmelia 80), Ninua, Shulaia, Ergemlidze, Kochladze (Gamtsemlidze 73), Kovtaliuk (Liluashvili 69)

Zorya: Lunin, Babenko, Hordyenko, Kabaev, Kamenyuka, Kochergin, Lyubenovic, Priima, Pilyavsky, Leonidas, Svatok

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