Loss with FC Locomotive

Today Tbilisi derby took place at Mikheil Meskhi reserve stadium. FC Locomotive hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi in Erovnuli Liga XX round match. The host team started the match actively and attacked in the beginning, but Vato Arveladze failed to score. In response Akaki Shulaia kicked but inexactly. On 17th minute Vato Arveladze managed to score. On 24th minute Dinamo equalized the score. Beka Mikeltadze kicked penalty exactly. Our team gained priority in the middle of the match although nothing has changed in the first half. Both teams started the second half actively. In spite of hot weather the match went on in high speed.

ON 56th minute FC Locomotive started attack, Vato Arveladze appeared alone in front of goalkeeper and scored the second goal. Kakhi Kacharava substituted Giorgi Kutsia by Mykola Kovtaliuk. On 73rd minute Shulaia kicked but Mikeltadze couldn’t score. On 82nd minute Giorgi Khidesheli scored the third goal 3:1. After that nothing has changed. FC Dinamo Tbilisi will play the next match on August 4 against FC Dila Gori at Dinamo Arena.


Locomotive 3:1  Dinamo


Goal: 1:0 Arveladze 17’  1:1 Mikeltadze (pen) 24’  2:1 Arveladze 56’  3:1 Khidesheli 82’ 

Booked: Samurkasov 64’  Kiknadze 68’ 


Locomotive: Tevdoradze, Chiteishvili, Tchanturia, Andronikashvili (Rekhviashvili 54), Sikharulidze, Kavtaradze, Kiknadze, Khidesheli, Gorozia (Diasamidze 51), Arveladze (Kikabidze 73), Samurkasov

Dinamo: Revishvili, Totadze, Kobouri, Salukvadze, Gegechkori, Kardava (Ninua 83), Kutsia (Kovtaliuk 57), Shulaia, Chakvetadze, Tevzadze (Kochladze 70), Mikeltadze


Referee: G.Vadachkoria

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