Dinamo defeated Dila with big score

Today Dinamo Arena hosted Erovnuli Liga 21st round match, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Dila Gori. The host team created the first dangerous moment on the fifth minute. Nika Ninua passed from corner and Davit Kobouri kicked but missed the target. In two minute Mykola Kovtaliuk was forced to fall but referee continued the match without appointing penalty.  After that Beka Mikeltadze had chance to score but failed. On 12th minute Dila footballer was sent off and Dinamo gained priority. Kvakhadze stopped Giorgi Chakvetadze and received a red card. Dila’s goalkeeper repelled Beka Mikeltadze kick from penalty area. On 22nd minute Dinamo score. Beka Mikeltadze attacked from left wing, passed to Bakar Kardava who scored his first goal in Dinamo. In three minutes Beka Mikeltadze scored with Giorgi Chakvetadze’s pass. In two minutes Giorgi Chakvetadze scored the third goal. On 44th minute Luka Lochoshvili played well but Mujrishvili saved his team from the fourth goal. The first half finished with this score. On the 15th minute of the second half Bakar Kardava missed the target. On 68th minute Giorgi Chakvetadze kicked exactly and performed double 4:0. In two minutes Mohammed Aliyu entered the field instead of Beka Mikeltadze. On 73rd minute Dila had chance to score again. Akaki Shulaia kicked but defender and door log saved Dila. On 87th minute Lasha Kochladze scored after Giorgi Tevzadze’s pass. Finally FC Dinamo Tbilisi won the match with the score 5:0. After this victory our team has 49 points and leads the table. Our team will play the next match on August 12 in Samtredia.  

Dinamo  5:0  Dila


Goal: 1:0 Kardava 22’  2:0 Mikeltadze 25’  3:0 Chakvetadze 27’  4:0 Chakvetadze 68’  5:0 Kochladze 87’ 

Booked: Totadze 37’ Tevzadze 85’   

Sent off: Kvakhadze 12’ 


Dinamo: Revishvili, Gegechkori, Kobouri, Lochoshvili, Totadze (Tevzdaze 61), Kardava, Kutsia, Shulaia, Chakvetadze (Kochladze 83), Mikeltadze (Aliyu 71), Kovtaliuk

Dila: Mujrishvili, Machaidze, Razmadze, Gagochidze, Tarawalle, Karkuzashvili, Sopromadze, Kirkitadze (Ashortia 79), Kvakhadze, Flaviu (Nonikashvili 78), Pedriniu (Kusiani 29)


Referee: L. Silagava

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