Draw in Samtredia

Today Erosi Manjgaladze stadium in Samtredia hosted Erovnuli Liga 22nd round between FC Dinamo Tbilisi and FC Samtredia. The match started with Dinamo’s attack. Giorgi Chakvetadze and Luka Lochoshvili played well. On 7th minute Luka Lochoshvili was badly injured and Dinamo’s head coach had to substitute him with Giorgi Kutsia. On 12th minute Dinamo had chance to score. Giorgi Chakvetadze started fast counter attack, passed to Beka Mikeltadze who failed to score. On 20th minute Lasha Kasradze kicked but door log saved Dinamo. On 41st minute Nukri Revishvili saved his team from Davit Jikia’s kick. The first half finished this way. The second half started with Beka Mikeltadze’s kick and Omar Migineishvili repelled on the last second. In the next episode Giorgi Kutsia kicked inexactly. After that both teams attacked but none of them had real moment to score. N 74th minute Nukri Revishvili repelled Davit Razhamashvili’s kick. On 87th minute our team attacked, Beka Mikeltadze scored 0:1. On 92nd minute FC Samtredia equalized the score. Guram Samushia scored 1:1. Our team will play the next match on August 20 at Dinamo Arena against FC Chikhura Sachkhere.  

Samtredia  1:1  Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Mikeltadze 87’  1:1 Samushia 92’ 

Booked: Mikeltadze 53’  Revishvili55’  Mchedlishvili 78’  Kutsia 80’  Kochladze 90’  Samushia 90’


Samtredia: Migineishvili, Sandokhadze, Kasradze, Balde, Mchedlishvili, G.Manjgaladze (Markozashvili 72), Datunaishvili, Razhamashvili, Jikia (Samushia 77), Sabanadze, Gui

Dinamo: Revishvili, Gegechkori, Kobouri, Lochoshvili (Kutsia 7), Tevzadze, Kardava, Ninua (Aliyu 93), Shulaia, Chakvetadze, Mikeltadze, Kovtalyuk (Kochladze 60)


Referee: J. Khorava

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