Dinamo finished Tbilisi derby with victory

Today Dinamo Arena hosted Tbilisi derby. Before starting the match footballers and supporters at the stadium paid tribute to Shota Maminashvili’s memory. The host team started the match actively and scored on the fifth minute. Lasha Totadze scored. After that match continued in mutual attacks. On 24th minute dynamo missed two chances to score. At first Beka Mikeltadze attacked but fell down and then he kicked from short distance but missed the target. In response Locomotive’s attack finished with offside. Akaki Shulaia kicked on 32nd minute but goalkeeper repelled the ball. On 44th minute Giorgi Diasamidze kicked from corner and Giorgi Rekhviashvili kicked with header. After that Beka Kavtaradze attacked, deceived Rekhviashvili who scored a minute ago, passed to Beka Mikeltadze who scored the second goal. The first half finished with the score 2:1. The second half started with Totadze’s kick but Tevdoradze repelled. The match continued with Dinamo’s attack but without moments. On 68th minute Otar Kiteishvili played well but missed the target. On 80th minute Giorgi Diasamidze tried to score but Litovchenko played well. During additional time Beka Mikeltadze gave a good pass to Lasha Kochladze who recorded the final result of the match 3:1. Our team will play the next match in Gori against local FC Dila on October 19.


Dinamo  3:1  Locomotive


Goal: 1:0 Totadze 5’  1:1 Rekhviashvili 44’  2:1 Mikeltadze 45’  3:1 Kochladze 90+4’ 

Booked: Gvalia 38’  Samurkasov 48’  Kavtaradze 70’  Diasamidze 85’  Gegechkori 86’  Mikeltadze 87’  Rekhviashvili 90’ 


Dinamo: Litovchenko, Gegechkori, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kobouri, Kardava, Zaria (Kochladze 79), Mikeltadze, Kiteishvili, Shulaia (Kutsia 88), Kavtaradze (Davitashvili 90+2)  

Locomotive: Tevdoradze, Kavtaradze, Sikharulidze, Diasamidze, Gvalia (Kurdadze 87), Ghonghadze (Chiteishvili 38), Arveladze (Gorozia 53), Kobakhidze, Rekhviashvili, Ubilava, Samurkasov


Referee: G. Vadachkoria

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