Draw with FC Shukura

Today Erovnuli Liga 25th round match took place at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Shukura. The first dangerous moment was created on the fifth minute of the match. Beka Mikeltadze kicked but goalkeeper repelled. In two minutes host team had a good chance to score. Lasha Salukvadze kicked from left wing, Beka Mikeltadze played with head, but door log repelled the ball. On 17th minute Lasha Kochladze and Erekle Malazonia had chances but goalkeepers played well. On 36th the guest team created dangerous moment. Shalamberidze continued Marseliniu’s attack, but missed the target. In the next episode Shukura was saved from goal. Door log repelled Akaki Shulaia’s header. In the end of the first half Dinamo had one more chance to score. Mikeltadze passed to Lasha Kochladze but he kicked inexactly. The first half finished this way. The second half started with Dinamo’s attack. Our players started combination from right wing, but MIkeltadze missed the target. On 62nd minute Dinamo created fast counter attack. Nika Ninua started attack in the center, paased to Kochladze but Melchinenko played well. After this Giorgi Zaria substituted Kochladze, who had trauma and hadn’t played for a long time. On 71st minute Shukura started counter attack and Koba Shalamberidze opened the score. In 10 minutes Giorgi Kakhelishvili stopped Akaki Shulaia’s fast counter attack, received the second yellow card and left the field. Dinamo attacked actively. Beka Mikeltadze tried to score after Levan Gegechkori’s exact pass, but missed the target. During additional time Lasha Kochladzehad chance to score but failed. Beka Mikeltadze kicked from long distance but Melchinenko repelled, although Enver Liluashvili appeared to be the fastest and equalized the score. Dinamo had chance to win on the last minute when Lasha Totadze kicked from 25 meters but door log saved Shukura again. Finally the match finished with draw 1:1. Our team will play the next match on September 13 on Georgian Cup. Dinamo will compete with FC Rustavi at Metalurg stadium in quarter final match.  


Dinamo  1:1  Shukura


Goalი0:1 Shalamberidze 71’  1:1 Liluashvili 90+3’

Booked: Kakhelishvili 16’  Kardava 17’  Kakhelishvili 82’  Malazonia 90’  Dagargulia 93’ 

Sent off: Kakhelishvili 82’ 


Dinamo: Revishvili, Totadze, Kobouri, Salukvadze, Gegechkori, Kardava, Ninua (Liluashvili 72), Kochladze (Zaria 62), Shulaia, Ergemlidze (Kutsia54), Mikeltadze

Shukura: Melchinenko, Dase, Kalandadze, Gogitidze, Kakhelishvili, Klimiashvili, Malazonia (Dagargulia 82), Guruli, Tukhareli (Artmelidze 57), Shalamberidze (Tsetskhladze 88), Marseliniu


Referee: Davit Sanodze

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