Dinamo is in semi-final

Today Poladi stadium in Rustavi hosted Georgian Cup ¼ final match between FC Rustavi and Dinamo Tbilisi. The host team created the first dangerous moment on the third minute. Zaza Tsitskishvili played well on right wing but missed the target.  In response Akaki Shulaia kicked, Beka Mikeltadze received the ball but missed the target. On 21st minute Nukri Revishvili saved his team from goal. He repelled Zaza Tsitskishvili’s kick from very short distance on corner. In the middle of the match Lasha Kochladze kicked and Mikheil Alavidze also had to repel on corner. On 34th minute Mikeltadze received the ball, deceived the rival and kicked but missed the target. No more dangerous moments were created in the first half. Kakhi Kacharava started the second half with substitution and Enver Liluashvili entered the field instead of Mykola Kovtalyuk. The second half also started with Rustavi’s attack. Giorgi Gaprindashvili kicked but inexactly. After that Beka Mikletadze attacked but Alavidze repelled his kick on the last minute. On 58th minute Dinamo had chance to score. Enver Liluashvili played well against the goalkeeper and kicked into empty door but missed the target. On 74th minute Nukri Revishvili repelled Giorgi Gaprindashvili’s kick again. In several minutes Giorgi Kutsia couldn’t reach Levan Gegechkori’s pass. In the next episode goalkeeper repelled Kutsia’s kick. Before that Akaki Shulaia gave him a good pass. 90 minutes were over and additional halves were announced. On 4th minute of extra half Beka Mikeltadze had chance to score but defenders played well. On 105th’th minute Ninua kicked from corner but Lasha Totadze couldn’t receive the ball. Footballers were tired and main game was in the center. Finally penalties were appointed in which Dinamo kicked the first three balls and Rustavi failed all of them. Totadze, Gegechkori and Shulaia scored. Nukri Revishvili repelled kicks of Kiladze, Tsitskishvili and Tsatskrialashvili. Dinamo moved to semi-final.


Rustavi  0:0 (0:3 penalties)  Dinamo


Penalties: 0:1 Totadze  0:1 Kiladze (Revishvili), 0:2 Gegechkori,  0:2 Tsitskishvili (Revishvili), 0:3 Shulaia,  0:3 Tsatskrialashvili (Revishvili)

Booked: Vasadze 54’  Sichinava 112’


Rustavi: Alavidze, Gaprindashvili, Vasadze, Goginashvili (Sichinava 68), Samkharadze, Kirkitadze (Tsatskrialashvili 82), Metreveli, Gujabidze, Apakidze (Kiladze 100), Tsitskishvili, Brachuli

Dinamo: Revishvili, Gegechkori, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kobouri, Kardava, Ninua, Shulaia, Kochladze (Kutsia 56), Mikeltadze, Kovtalyuk (Liluashvili 46)


Referee: G. Kruashvili

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