Dinamo won with Totadze’s double

Both teams started the match in low speed although soon Dinamo gained territorial priority. On 11th minute goalkeeper Mikheil Mujrishvili saved FC Dila from goal. He repelled Bakar Kardava’s kick from long distance on corner. After this moment both teams started playing actively. On 29th minute Dila footballers kicked from good position. Pedrinho missed the target. On 40th minute Giorgi Pantsulaia managed to steal ball from Lasha Salukvadze and kicked exactly. The first goal was scored. In response our team had chance to score but Beka Mikeltadze kicked inexactly after Akaki Shulaia’s pass. No more dangerous moments were created in the first half.  Dinamo started the second half with attack and kicked but ball touched defender on hand, although referee didn’t stop the match. Our team continued attacks but couldn’t score. On 69th minute Dinamo missed two chances to score. Lasha Kochladze was alone in front of goalkeeper but Mujrishvili repelled his kick. Beka Kavtaradze added but missed the target. On 82nd minute referee appointed penalty kick for playing rudely against Beka Kavtaradze. Lasha Ttadze kicked exactly and equalized the score. In 3 minutes Mujrishvili saved his team from Mikeltadze. Referee added 3 minutes and Dinamo managed to score the second goal. On the last minute Lasha Totadze kicked from about 30 meters and recorded the final result of the match. Finally Dinamo gained three points and maintained 4 points handicap with the team on the second place. Our team will play the next match on October 23 at Dinamo Arena against FC Samtredia.


Dila  1:2  Dinamo


Goal: 1:0 Pantsulaia 40’  1:1 Totadze (pen) 82’  1:2 Totadze 90+3’ 

Booked: Kvakhadze 82’  Shulaia 89’ 


Dila: Mujrishvili, Popkhadze, Razmadze, Tsikaridze (Nubio 76), Nonikashvili, Pantsulaia (Modebadze 72), Abubakar (Papava 46), Kirkitadze, Kvakhadze, Pedrinho, Moras

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Gegechkori, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kobouri, Kardava, Zaria (Kochladze 66), Shulaia (Kutsia 90+1), Kiteishvili, Mikeltadze, Kavtaradze  


Referee: J. Khorava

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