Dinamo lost with FC samtredia

Today Erovnuli Liga 31st round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Samtredia. Both teams started the match actively. On the 3rd minute the host team missed a good chance to score. Beka Mikeltadze was stopped in penalty area and Omar Migineishvili saved Lasha Totadze’s penalty kick. In response Litovchenko repelled Davit Razamashvili’s kick. The match went on in high speed and with Dinamo’s territorial priority. On 37th minute Dinamo was saved from goal. Door log repelled Inters Gui’s kick. In response Omar Migineishvili repelled Beka Kavtaradze’s kick from short distance. Diinamo attacked and Mikeltadze had chance to score with header. The first half finished without goals. The second half started in high speed again. Both teams created dangerous moments. Otar Kiteishvili and Inters Gui had chances but goalkeepers played well in both episodes. On 80th minute Omar Migineishvili saved Samtredia once more when repelled Beka Kavtaradze’s kick from short distance. In 9 minute the guest team Henri Ndong scored. Dinamo couldn’t manage to save the game and lost. Our team will play the next match on October 28 against FC Chikhura Sachkhere.


Dinammo 0:1  Samtredia


Goal: 0:1 Ndong 89’ 

Booked: Migineishvili 3’ Manjgaladze 63’ Kobouri 69’


Dinamo: Litovchenko, Gegechkori, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kobouri (Kovtalyuk 90+3), Kardava, Kiteishvili, Kutsia (Kochladze 75), Zaria (Tevzadze 86), Mikeltadze, Kavtaradze

Samtredia: Migineishvili, Mchedlishvili, Ndong, Gogiashvili, Akhaladze, Datunaishvili, Manjgaladze, Razhamashvili, Gui (Markozashvili 90+2), Olaitan, Sabanadze (Samushia 90)


Referee: G. Kruashvili 

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