Dinamo Tbilisi defeated Dinamo Batumi with big score

Today Erovnuli Liga 33rd round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Dinamo Batumi. The match started actively and on the second minute our rival missed a real chance to score. Teimuraz Shonia kicked header inexactly from short distance. In response Beka Mikeltadze kicked. Giorgi Zaria kicked from corner and Beka received the ball but missed the target. On 19th minute our team opened the score. Levan Gegechkori kicked from long distance 1:0. After this goal our team gained full priority and in several minutes door log saved Batumi from Akaki Shulaia’s kick. On 33rd minute midfielder of our team Giorgi Zaria was injured and couldn’t continue playing. He was substituted by Lasha Kochladze. Nothing interesting has happened in the first half. Dinamo Tbilisi started the second half actively and scored the second goal on 49th minute. Beka Mikeltadze received ball from Levan Gegechkori and scored with header. On 60th minute Beka Kavtaradze had chance after Beka Mikeltadze’s pass but goalkeeper repelled. In response Batumi’s captain couldn’t use the chance for the second time. On 75th minute our team created nice combination. Levan Gegechkori passed from center to Beka Mikeltadze on left wing but he missed the target in centimeters. In four minutes Mikeltadze kicked the third goal from short distance. Akaki Shualia played well and made a goal pass. On 82nd minute Mikeltadze performed hattrick. He fought for ball in the center, passed to Shulaia and then received the ball and kicked 4:0. In the end of the match Litovchenko played well and didn’t let Otar Martsvaladze to score. Khvicha Kvaratskhelia also had chance to score but door log saved Dinamo Batumi from the fifth goal. Finally match finished with the victory of our team 4:0. Our team will play the next match in Batumi against FC Shukura Kobuleti on November 18.


Dinamo Tbilisi  4:0  Dinamo Batumi


Goal: 1:0 Gegechkori 19’  2:0 Mikeltadze 49’  3:0 Mikeltadze 79’  4:0 Mikeltadze 82’ 

Booked: Kardava 29’ 


Dinamo Tbilisi : Litovchenko, Gegechkori, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kobouri, Kardava (Davitashvili 85), Zaria (Kochladze 34), Kiteishvili, Shulaia, Mikeltadze, Kavtaradze (Kvaratskhelia 79)

Dinamo Batumi: Shovnadze, Partenadze, Makharadze, Mgeladze, Grigalashvili, Shonia, Arziani (Tevdoradze 36), Kvantaliani (Martsvaladze 46), Kavtaradze, Chogadze (Plamarioni 70), Sukhiashvili


Referee: G.Kruashvili

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