Dinamo defeated FC Samtredia - 3:1

Today Erovnuli Liga 3rd round match was held at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Samtredia. The host team started the match actively and on the 10th minute  Budu Zivzivadze received ball from Dmitro Ivanisenia and scored the first goal. In two minutes Budu had one more chance to score although Samtredia’s goalkeeper played well. On 14th minute Akaki Shulaia scored the second goal. On 23rd minute Demetre Buliskeria played well and saved his team from Davit Kirkitadze. On 36th minute Otar Kiteishvili had chance but goalkeeper played well. In the end of the first half Kiteishvili helped Akaki Shulaia in attack but Migineishvili saved his team again. The first half finished this way. The second half started with Dinamo’s attacks. Giorgi Ivanishvili and Akaki Shulaia created good combination but the exact was inexact.  After his the speed of the match lowered. Dinamo attacked but without real moments to score. On 76th minute Kakhi Kacharava substituted Ivanishvili by Nika Dzalamidze. This was the first match for Dzalamidze in Dinamo. On 84th minute Giorgi Kutsia kicked from 20 meters, the ball overcame goalkeeper and Dinamo scored the third goal. In the end of the match penalty was appointed in from of Dinamo’s door. Lucas Weijl kicked exactly and scored. Finally the match finished with the victory of our team 3:1. Dinamo will play the next match on April 1 against FC Torpedo Kutaisi at Dinamo Arena.  


Dinamo  3:1  Samtredia

Goal: 1:0 Zivzivadze 10’  2:0 Shulaia 14’  3:0 Kutsia 84’  3:1  Weijl (pen.) 89’

Booked: Kirkitadze 81’


Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia,Totadze, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Kutsia, Ivanisenia (Kochladze 90),Shulaia(Ergemlidze 90), Kiteishvili, Ivanishvili (Dzalamidze 76), Zivzivadze

Samtredia: Migineishvili, Lobzhanidze (Khachidze 60), Ganugrava (Kerdzevadze 46), Daushvili, Kirkitadze, Weijl, Ndong, Bachiashvili, Chachua, Fatic, Sagna (Eristavi 46)


Referee: G. Kruashvili

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