Loss with FC Rustavi

Today Erovnuli Liga 1st round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Rustavi. The match was very interesting and went on in high speed. Our team had big priority in the first half, although couldn’t reflect it on the score. On 12th minute new footballer of our team Guja Rukhaia attacked and kicked but ball went on corner. In 5 minutes Budu Zivzivadze kicked from the same position although he missed the target.  On 20th minute Bakar Kardava kicked but ball overcame the door. On 37th minute Otar Kiteishvili kicked header after corner, but Revishvili repelled. Before the end of the first half Revishvili saved his team twice. At first Akaki Shulaia kicked and then Budu Zivzivadze had chance to score. Dinamo started the second half with attacks. In the beginning of the second half Revishvili saved his team from Zivzivadze. On 55th minute captain of our team kicked header but door log saved Rustavi. In several minute our rival crated dangerous attack and Demetre Buliskeria repelled ball on corner. On 67th minute Rustavi’s counter attack finished with Giorgi Gabulov’s goal. Dinamo attacked more and on 84th minute Levan Gegechkori was fined against Budu Zivzivadze. Dinamo’s forward kicked penalty exactly and equalized the score. Although in 2 minutes penalty was appointed against Dinamo. Beka Mikeltadze also kicked exactly and recorded the final result of the match 1:2. On March 11 our team will compete with FC Locomotive at Mikheil Meskhi stadium.  



Dinamo 1:2 Rustavi

Goal: 0:1 Gabulov 67’  1:1 Zivzivadze (pen) 84’  1:2 Mikeltadze (pen) 86’

Booked: Kobakhidze 54’  Poniava 66’  Kvirkvia 71’  Rukhaia 71’  Kiteishvili 76’  Gegechkori 83’


Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Kobouri, Totadze, Kharabadze, Kardava, Ivanisenia (Kutsia 81), Ivanishvili, Shulaia, Kiteishvili, Zivzivadze

Rustavi: Revishvili, Gegechkori, Kvirkvia, Chogadze (Gorelishvili 46), Poniava, Kobakhidze (Tsarikaev 83), Tskhovrebov, Gabulov, Endeladze, Mikeltadze, Barabadze (Klimiashvili 58)


Referee: G.Kikacheishvili


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