Dinamo defeated FC Sioni

Today Dinamo Arena hosted Erovnuli Liga 16th round match. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Sioni Bolnisi. The heavy rain negatively impacted on the match. The first 20 minutes went on with Dinamo’s priority, although no real moments were created. In the end of the first half our team played more actively. On 39th minute Nika Ninua passed from corner. Levan Kharabadze played exactly and scored. He first half finished with this score. He second half started with Dinamo’s dangerous attacks. Budu Zivzivadze played well, passed to Otar Kiteishvili exactly who kicked but Ivanisenia couldn’t reach the ball. The goalkeeper repelled Nika Ninua’s header. In response Sioni didn’t miss the chance and Giorgi Mikaberidze equalized the score -1:1. On 62nd minute our team missed another chance to score. Giorgi Ivanishvili could finish Kiteishvili’s pass but the ball overcame the door. In two minute Budu Zivzivadze missed the target. In the end of the match Zarkua repelled Otar Kiteishvili’s kick on corner. After hat Dmitro Ivanisenia missed chance to score. During additional time Luka Lochoshvili kicked after Kiteishvili’s pass and recorded the final result of the match. Finally Dinamo won with the score 2:1. Kakhi Kacharava’s team will play the next match on June 29 in Zestafoni against FC Kolkheti Poti.   


Dinamo  2:1  Sioni


Goal: 1:0 Kharabadze 39’  1:1 Mikaberidze 54’  2:1 Lochoshvili 90+2’ 

Booked: Mikaberidze 59’  Sikharulia 75’  Kutsia 80’  Lochoshvili 85’  Ivanisenia 91’ 


Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Totadze, Lochoshvili, Kobouri, Ninua (Kutsia 76), Ivanisenia, Ivanishvili (Ergemlidze 79), O.Kiteishvili, Kharabadze, Zivzivadze (Babunadze 70)

Sioni: Zarkua, Gureshidze, Nozadze, Mindorashvili, Giorbelidze, Kikava, Khmaladze, Sikharulia (Koshkadze 88), Beriashvili, (Ugulava 80), Gaprindashvili, Mikaberidze (Managadze 82)


Referee: G. Avazashvili

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