Dinamo defeated Rustavi - 2:0

Erovnuli Liga 10th round match between FC Rustavi and FC Dinamo Tbilisi was held at Mikheil Meskhi stadium. Before the match Eliga awarded Otar Kiteishvili as the best footballer of the first stage. The match started in middle tempus. The host team created the first dangerous moment on 23rd minute. Tamaz Makatsaria passed Dinamo’s defenders, although Demetre Buliskeria repelled his kick. Dinamo created several dangerous attacks. On 33rd minute Kakhi Kacharava substituted Lasha Kochladze by Niuka Dzalamidze. In several minutes Nukri Revishvili repelled Nika Ninua’s kick. The first half finished without goals. The teams started the second half more actively. Both teams created good moments. Beka Mikeltadze had chance to score but missed the target. On 61st minute Akaki Shulaia scored the first goal.  Soon Dinamo scored the second goal and decided the fortune of the match. Penalty was followed by Giorgi Ivanishvili’s good game. Captain kicked exactly and scored the second goal. Shualia had chance to score on 83rd minute. He finished Levan Kharabadze’s attack missed the target. In two minutes Budu Zivzivadze had a good chance, but Nukri Revishvili played well. Finally the match finished with the victory of Dinamo 2:0. Our team will play the next match on May 13 at Dinamo Arena against FC Locomotive. 

Goal: 0:1 Shualia 61’  0:2 Kiteishvili 66’

Booked: Tskhovrebov 65’  Khadartsev 72’ 


Rustavi: Revishvili, Papava, Makatsaria  (Martsvaladze 80), Gegechkori, Mikeltadze (Poniava 87), Tsintsadze, Kobakhidze, Khadartsev (Endeladze 77), Tskhovrebov, Gabulov, Tsarikaev

Dinamo:  Revishvili, Rukhaia, Ivanisenia, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Ninua, Kochladze (Dzalamidze 33), Shualia, O. Kiteishvili, Ivanishvili (Ergemlidze 87), Zivzivadze (Babunadze 88)


Referee: G. Vadachkoria

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