Loss with FC Saburtalo

Erovnuli Liga 6th round match was held at Dinamo Arena in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Saburtalo. The match started with Dinamo’s attacks. Akaki Shulaia, Giorgi Ivanishvili and Otar Kiteishvili created several dangerous moments, but without result. On 17th minute the guest team had a real chance to score. Dimitri Tatanashvili received the ball from Nodar Iashvili and kicked from short distance but missed the target. In response Akaki Shulaia attacked but couldn’t score in the last minute. On 25th minute Lazare Kupatadze saved his team from Akaki Shulaia’s strong kick. Before that Ivanishvili’s attack is worth to mention. Our number 21 player passed several footballers and passed to Shulaia. In the end of the first half Kupatadze saved his team once more. This time Davit Kobouri kicked with header. The first half finished with Dinamo’s priority. The second half started with the attacks of our team again and Budu Zivzivadze had chance to score, although he missed the target. On 60th minute Tamaz Babunadze entered the field. This was his first match in Dinamo. Forward of youth team substituted Budu Zivzivadze. Dinamo attacked more, but received goal from Gorgiashvili. The ball touched door log and went to the door.  Saburtalo’s goalkeeper saved his team once again on 80th minute when repelled Tamaz Babunadze’s kick. On 86th minute Mikheil Ergemlidze received ball from Levan Kharabadze and kicked header, but missed the target. Finally Dinamo’s massive attacks didn’t have result and the match finished with the score 0:1. Our team will play 7th round match on April 21 against FC Sioni Bolnisi.


Dinamo 0:1  Saburtalo


Goal: 0:1 Gorgiashvili 61’

Booked: Gorgiashvili 28’  Mamuchashvili 54’  Kharabadze 78’ Tera 80’ 


Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Totadze, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Ivanisenia (Ergemlidze 84), Ninua, Shulaia, Kiteishvili, Ivanishvili, (Dzalamidze 73), Zivzivadze (Babunadze 60)

Saburtalo: Kupatadze, Lakvekheliani (Nadaraia 67), Rekhviashvili, Margvelashvili, Iashvili, Mamuchashvili, Gorgiashvili, Tatanashvili (Kokhreidze 55), Diasamidze (Tera 59), Volkovi, Goncalves


Referee: I. Kvirikashvili

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