FC Dinamo Minsk defeated SBV Vitesse

The match between FC Dinamo Minsk and SBV Vitesse was very interesting. Both teams were oriented on attacks during the whole match. On 25th minute Sakovski scored, although it’s worth mentioning that referee sent off Firsov. The Dutch team couldn’t use penalty and Iurasov repelled the ball. In the second half Dinamo Minsk scored one more goal. Latikhov scored. After that Swinkels was sent off and Belarusian team scored two more goals. On 60th minute Steffen scored and in 5 minutes Surul also scored. On the last minute of the match Dinamo Minsk managed to win the match with Lozhkin’s goal and the match finished with the score 3:2.

Dinamo Minsk 3:2 Vitesse

Goal: Sakovski, Latikhov, Steffen, Surul, Lozhkin

Booked: Kozhykharenko, Iurasov, Avtushko, Surul

Sent off: Firsov, Swinkels


Dinamo Minsk: Iurasov, Firsov, Kozhykharenko, Tsigankov, Avtushko, Gritskevich, Zabarski (Baranovski 57), Sakovski, Zhevnerenko (Sadovski 36), Latikhov (Lozhkin 53), Kiemidinov (Sokol 70)

Vitesse: Danquah (Gadellaa 57), Esajas (van Rijn 50), van Strien, Davidse (Eustatis 36), Surul, van Beem, Derksen (Sesay 36), Smits, Steffen, Sanders, Swinkels



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