The first draw in the season

Today Erovnuli Liga 9th round central match took place in Gori. The match between FC Dila and FC Dinamo Tbilisi started actively. The host team created the first dangerous moment. On 11th minute Nodar Kavtaradze kicked from right wing but door log saved the door. On 24th minute Dinamo opened the score. Budu Zivzivadze scored after Otar Kiteishvili’s exact pass. In 10 minutes Dila footballers equalized the score. Levan Nonikashvili kicked exactly-1:1. The match continued in high rhythm and Dinamo had chance to score again. Budu Zivzivadze missed the target. After that goalkeeper repelled Levan Kharabadze’s kick who attacked from left wing. The first half finished with draw. The teams played actively in the second half as well. On 55th minute goalkeeper repelled Kiteishvili-Zivzivadze’s attack. In response Nodar Kavtaradze kicked but Nonikashvili saved his team in the last minute. On 85th minute Nodar Kavtaradze had chance to score but missed the target again. In the next episode Kiteishvili-Kharabadze-Dzalamidze created a good combination and Dzalamidze had chance to score but failed. Finally the match finished with draw 1:1. 

Dila 1:1 Dinamo

Goal: 0:1 Zivzivadze 24’   1:1 Nonikashvili 32’ 

BookedIvanisenia 19’ Totadze 58’  Razmadze 72’ 75’  Totadze 96’ Buliskeria 96’  Kovtalyuk 96’

Sent off: Razmadze 75’ Totadze 96’ 


Dila: Begashvili, Machaidze, Chaduneli, Razmadze, Kavtaradze, Razhamashvili (Lampt 69), Nonikashvili, Pantsulaia (Fortis 65), Kvakhadze, Leandnru (Kovtalyuk 84), Sukhiashvili

Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Totadze, Kobouri, Kharabadze Ninua, Ivanisenia (Kochladze 46), Shulaia (Dzalamidze 83), O.Kiteishvili, Ivanishvili, Zivzivadze


Referee: J.Khorava

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