Dinamo defeated Dila

Today Dinamo Arena hosted Erovnuli Liga 18th round match between FC Dinamo Tbilisi and FC Dila Gori. The host team started the match actively and Mikheil Ergemlidze played well after Guja Rukhaia’s technical game, although Dila’s defenders defused the tension. On 15th minute Dinamo scored the first goal. Otar Kiteishvili deceived several defenders and scored. In two minutes Budu Zivzivadze had chance to score but goalkeeper played well. On 22nd minute rules were abrogated on Dmitro Ivanisenia. Lasha Totadze kicked the penalty and scored the second goal. In 4 minutes Budu Zivzivadze scored the third goal after Kiteishvili’s pass. On 40th minute the captain scored the fourth goal-4:0. The first half finished with this score. In the second half Otar Kiteishvili had chance to perform hattrick, although Anzor Sukhiashvili stopped him and received the red card. On 59th minute Kiteishvili played technically well, passed to Zivzivadze who scored his second goal-5:0. In the next episode Dmitro Ivanisenia had chance to score but missed the target. On 72nd minute Mate Vatsadze entered the field, who returned to Dinamo Tbilisi after 8 years pause. Giorgi Zaria also returned to the team after 8 months pause. He substituted captain of the team - Otar Kiteishvili who left the field with applause. Finally the match finished with Dinamo’s victory-5:0.

After this match Erovnuli Liga will be suspended for a while. Our team will play the next match on July 12 in Slovakia. Dinamo will compete with FC DAC in UEFA Europa League first qualifying round. 

Dinamo  5:0  Dila


Goal: 1:0 Kiteishvili15’  2:0 Totadze 22’  3:0 Zivzivadze 26’  4:0 Kiteishvili 40’  5:0 Zivzivadze 59’

Booked: Razmadze 22’  Nonikashvili  61’ 

Sent off: Sukhiashvili 54’ 


Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Totadze, Lochoshvili, Kobouri, Ninua (Kardava 77), Ivanisenia, Ivanishvili, O.Kiteishvili (Zaria 81), Ergemlidze (Vatsadze 72), Zivzivadze

Dila: Begashvili, Machaidze, Razmadze, Kavtaradze, Nonikashvili, Koripadze, Kvakhadze, Kovtalyuk (Kereleishvili 74), Lampt (Nond 46), Ribeiru (Razhamashvili 46), Sukhiashvili


Referee: G. Vadachkoria

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