Dinamo lost Tbilisi derby

Today Erovnuli Liga 11th round last match was held at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Locomotive. The guest team created the first dangerous attack. On 10th minute door log saved Dinamo from Temuraz Shonia’s kick. In response Dinamo footballers created fast combination. Budu Zivzivadze was finishing Otar Kiteishvili’s attack, but Locomotive’s defender repelled the ball. Our team attacked more and had a good chance to score. Levan Kharabadze kicked from left wing, Budu Zivzivadze ached the ball but in the last minute Luka Sherozia repelled on corner. 30 minutes were passed from the beginning of the match when Dinamo’s defenders missed Davit Jikia and let him to score. The score didn’t change in the first half. Kakhi Kacharava started the second half with substitution. Nika Dzalamidze entered the field instead of Giorgi Ivanishvili. Locomotive created dangerous moment again. Door log repelled Davit Jikia’s kick. The host team attacked actively. Nika Dzalamidze and Otar Kiteishvili played well. On 68th minute Dinamo had a good chance to score. Budu Zivzivadze couldn’t reach Levan Kharabadze’s kick. 10 minutes before the end of the match Otar Kiteishvili played technically well but missed the target. In 2 minutes Levan Kharabadze appeared in the same situation. On 86th minute Guja Rukhaia had chance to score after Mikheil Ergemlidze’s pass, but ball overcame the door. After that nothing has changed and Dinamo lost with the score 0:1. 


Dinamo 0:1 Locomotive


Goal: 0:1 Jikia 29’ 

Booked: Dzebniauri 35’ Injia 84’ 


Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Kobouri (Lochoshvili 69), Totadze, Kharabadze, Ivanisenia, Ninua, Ivanishvili (Dzalamidze 46), Kiteishvili, Shulaia (Ergemlidze 65), Zivzivadze

Locomotive: Sherozia, Dzebniauri, Tchanturia, Jikia (Arveladze 60), Shonia, Gavashelishvili, Lobzhanidze, Gabadze, Ubilava, Samurkasov (Gvalia 73), Kobakhidze (Injia 79)


Referee: G. Kruashvili

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