Victory against Saburtalo

Today, the final match of the 27th round was held at the Davit Petriashvili Stadium, in which Dinamo hosted Saburtalo.


At the start of the match, the guests made a dangerous but unsuccessful attack. Irakli Sikharulidze was threatening the Dinamo goal. In response, Dinamo also attacked, Giorgi Kharaishvili intensified the game in attendance, but the ball escaped at the last second. On the 10th minute, Saburtalo escaped danger - Zoran Marušić's shot hit the defender and slightly missed the goal. After the first minutes, it can be said that Dinamo gained a playing advantage and controlled the ball more often. On the 22nd minute, Ousmane Camara hit hard from the approach of the penalty area, the ball went over the crossbar of the Saburtalo goal. On the 34th minute, Zoran Marusic missed a real opportunity to open the score. After Anzor Mekvabishvili's pass, the Serbian forward could not shoot accurately. In three minutes, the blue-white team managed to score a goal. After Giorgi Kharaishvili's good game, Croatian legionnaire Denis Bushnia shot 1-0 right from the approach to the penalty area. In the last minute of the first half, Anzor Mekvabishvili should have scored the second goal, but he couldn't hit it accurately from close range and the half ended 1-0.


The teams restarted the second half without any changes, and shortly Ousmane Camara was hitting the ball from a favorable position, but the shot did not succeed. In the next attack, Saburtalo's goal was saved by Lazare Kupatadze. On the 65th minute of the match, substitute Lasha Odisharia's shot missed the goal of the visitors by inches, and before that, Ousmane Camara's good game is to be noted. In the second time it is Odisha again, he misses from a good position. A good header by Jaduli Iobashvili and again the ball misses the opponent's goal by centimeters. On the 77th minute of the match, Saburtalo had a real scoring moment, at the last second Giorgi Loria played perfectly and eased the situation. In ten minutes, Lazare Kupatadze saved Saburtalo's goal once again, he blocked Jaduli Iobashvili's strong shot.


Andres Carrasco's team will hold the next match at the same stadium on October 3, against FC Dila Gori.


Match report




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