Georgian derby finished with draw

Today Erovnuli Liga 13th round match was held in Kutaisi at Ramaz Shengelia stadium. FC Torpedo Kutaisi hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. 69th Georgian derby started actively. On 7th minute Levan Kutalia scored after corner. In response Dmitro Ivanisenia kicked on 13th minute, but Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled. In the next episode Budu Zivzivadze played well, although goalkeeper repelled again. On 15th minute Dinamo equalized the score. Otar Kiteishvili passed to Budu Zivzivadze who exactly passed to Akaki Shuliai-1:1. In 10 minutes after the goal, Dinamo created one more dangerous moment, although neither Otar Kiteishvili, nor Nika Ninua managed to finish it. This was followed by Davit Kobouri's technical playing and our captain's technical kick, but the ball overcame the door. After half an hour both teams created dangerous moments. At first Tornike Kapanadze kicked but missed the target and then Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled Otar Kiteishvili's kick. On 37th minute Demetre Buliskeria saved his team and repelled the ball on corner. The first half finished with the score 1:1. The second half started in high speed. Both teams played actively but without dangerous moments. On 75th minute Torpedo created dangerous combination and Grigol Dolidze had chance to finish it with goal, but Buliskeria repelled. In response Lasha Kochladze played well with nice combination. In the end of the second half the guest team played more actively and created two dangerous attacks. Lasha Kochladze and Budu Zivzivadze missed the target. During additional time Budu Zivzivadze kicked with header but inexactly. 69th Georgian Derby finished with draw 1:1.

Torpedo 1:1 Dinamo

Goal: 1:0 Kutalia 6’ 1:1 Shulaia 15’

Booked: Ninua 54’ Lochoshvili 73’

Torpedo: Kvaskhvadze, Tabatadze, Tchitchinadze, Mamasakhlisi, Sardalishvili (Tsikaridze 62), Kapanadze (Kuchukhidze 79), Guruli, Kutalia, Dolidze, Kimadze, Gigauri (Lipartia 88)

Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Totadze, Kobouri, Ivanisenia, Ninua (Kochladze 75), Shulaia, O.Kiteishvili, Ivanishvili (Ergemlidze 71), Zivzivadze (Babunadze 90+2)

Referee: G. Kruashvili

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