Loss with FC Saburtalo

Erovnuli Liga 15th round central match took place at Mikheil Meskhi stadium. FC Saburtalo hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. The host team created the first dangerous moment on 7th minute. Demetre Buliskeria repelled Giorgi Kokhreidze’s kick, but couldn’t hold the ball in the hands, although he managed to save his team. In five minutes Dinamo missed a good chance to score.  Budu Zivzivadze could score after Akaki Shulaia’s technical pass, but he played inexactly. The second dangerous moment was followed by Akaki Shulaia’s attack, Nika Ninua kicked but Lazare Kupatadze repelled. Dinamo gained priority and attacked. At first Kupatadze repelled Akaki Shulaia’s kick, then Budu Zivzivadze missed the target in centimeters. In the end of the first half Nika Ninua passed from corner and Saburtalo’s keeper played well. In response Giorgi Kokhreidze had a good chance to score but the ball overcame Dinamo’s door. The first half finished without goals. Kakhi kacharava started the second half with substitution. Levan Kharabadze entered the field instead of Mikheil Ergemlidze. The second half went on in high speed like the first one. On 60th minute Dinamo missed a real moment to score. Levan Kharabadze had chance to score after Guja Rukhaia’s kick, but ball overcame the door. On 67th minute Demetre Buliskeria played well, he repelled Giorgi Kokhreidze’s kick on corner. In the end of the first half Tamaz Babunadze missed the target. During additional time Vagner Gonsalvesh managed to score. The match finished with the victory of host team 1:0. Our team will play the next match on June 24 against FC Sioni Bolnisi at Dinamo Arena.


Saburtalo  1:0  Dinamo


Goal: 1:0 Gonsalvesh 90+2’


Saburtalo: Kupatadze, Grigalashvili, Margvelashvili, Rekhviashvili, Lakvekheliani, Tera, Mamuchashvili, Gorgiashvili (Gvaradze 63), Gonsalvesh, Kokhreidze (Diasamidze 82), Goshteliani (Volkov 67)

Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Lolchcoshvili, Totadze, Kobouri, Ninua, Ivanisenia, Shulaia, O.Kiteishvili, Ergemlidze (Kharabadze 46), Zivzivadze (Babunadze 72)  


Referee: D.Kharitonashvili

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