Dinamo defeated Kolkheti with the score 6:3

Today Erovnuli Liga 17th round match took place in Zestafoni at Davit Abashidze stadium. FC Kolkheti Poti hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. Both teams started the match in low speed because of high temperature. The guest team created the first dangerous moment. On 7th minute Otar Kiteishvili gave an exact pass to Budu Zivzivadze who appeared alone in front of goalkeeper, but defender of the host team played well in the last minute.  In response Yaroslav Kvasov kicked from long distance, but missed the target. On 27th minute Dinamo created fast attack. Nika Ninua kicked from right wing, but Giorgi Kutsia couldn’t receive the ball. On 32nd minute Ilia Mikhaliov benefited from defender’s mistake and scored. Dinamo attacked more and in 2 minute Otar Kiteishvili missed the target. On 42nd minute Lasha Totadze kicked from 30 meters distance and equalized the score and the first half finished with draw 1:1. The second half started actively. At first the host team attacked and then Budu Zivzivadze had chance to score but failed to score. Our team gained priority and Budu Zivzivadze missed the target again. On 59th minute Otar Kiteishvili played well on left wing and scored the second goal. In a minute Budu Zivzivadze attacked but goalkeeper played well. On 69th minute Levan Kharabadze scored after Lasha Totadze’s exact pass. On 76the minute Yaroslav kvasov scored the second goal in favor of Kolkheti. After that Dinamo failed two real moments to score. In 3 minute Luka Imnadze equalized the score-3:2. On 82nd minute Mikheil Ergemlidze scored the 4th goal and in three minutes Otar Kiteishvili performed double-3:5. On 89th minute Nika Ninua scored the 6th goal with exact kick.

Kakhi kacharava’s team will play the next match on July 5 against FC Dila Gori at Dinamo Arena


Kolkheti 3:6 Dinamo


Goal: 1:0 Mikhaliov 32’  1:1 Totadze 42’  1:2 O. Kiteishvili 59’  1:3 Kharabadze 69’  2:3 Kvasov 76’  3:3 Imnadze 79’  3:4 Ergemlidze 82’  3:5 O. Kiteishvili 85’  3:6 Ninua 89’ 

Booked: Ponamariov 17’  Kvasov 34’  Mikhaliov 37’  Ivanishvili 50’  Gogberashvili 68’ 


Kolkheti: Gurgenidze, Makharadze, Gogonaia, Ponamariov, Danilov, Mikhaliov (Arziani 77), Kabore, Imnadze, Tcheishvili (Jimsheleishvili 80), Kvasov, Gogberashvili (Kakulia 91)

Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Kobouri, Totadze, Kharabadze, Ninua, Dartsmelia (P. Kiteishvili 89), Ivanishvili (Babunadze 82), O. Kiteishvili, Kutsia (Ergemlidze 67), Zivzivadze


Referee: G. Kruashvili


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