Dinamo lost with Dunajska Streda

Today the second leg of UEFA Europa League first qualifying round took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted Dunajska Streda. Both teams started the match actively and attacked in the first minutes. Mikheil Ergemlidze had chance to score, but he kicked inexactly. Dinamo gained full priority. On 23rd minute Dmitro Ivanisenia kicked, the ball touched defender and corner was appointed. In several minutes Patrik Macej saved his team. At first he repelled Budu Zivzivadze’s kick and then he played well against Akaki Shualia. On 35th minute Dinamo was saved from goal. Issouf Bayo missed the target. Soon after this moment Shulaia failed to score. On 41st minute Budu Zivzivadze kicked the first goal 1:0. The first half finished with this score. Both teams started the second half a bit chaotic. On 63rd minute Demetre Buliskeria saved his team. He repelled Vakoun Bayo’s kick. Dinamo attacked more. Akaki Shulaia had to chances to score. On 79th minute Mate Vatsadze had chance after Shulaia’s good game, but goalkeeper repelled on corner. On 86th minute Vakoun Bayo managed to equalize the score. In several minutes he scored the second goal and gained victory for his team. The match finished with the score 2:1.


Dinamo Tbilisi  1:2  Dunajska Streda 


Goal: 1:0 Zivzivadze 41’  1:1 Bayo 86’  1:2 Bayo 90+4’ 

Booked: Ljubicic  60’  Bayo 67’  Lochoshvili  77’  M.Vida 90+1’ Kiteishvili  90+5’


Dinamo Tbilisi: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Lochoshvili, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Ninua, Ivanisenia, Shulaia, Kiteishvili, Ergemlidze (Ivanishvili 88), Zivzivadze (Vatsadze 74)

Dunajska Streda: Macej, Ljubicic (M.Vida 72), Huk, Pacinda, K. Vida (Tretyakov 80), Bayo, Herc, Kostrna, E. Davis (Kalmar 58), Satka, Záhumenský


Referee: Dimitar Meckarovski (MKD)

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