Draw in Kutaisi

The host team started the match actively and on the second minute Stepan Sikach revealed his skills. He repelled Tornike Kapanadze’s kick on corner. In response Levan Shengelia kicked but ball overcame the target. On 8th minute Tornike Kapanadze couldn’t benefit from the mistake of Dinamo’s defense. Stepan Sikach repelled again. On 22nd minute Guja Rukhaia gave exact pass to Levan Kochladze, whose header was inexact. Finally the first half finished without goals. The second half started in favor of Torpedo. Giorgi Kukhianidze kicked but missed the target. Arpan Dape and Akaki Shulaia played actively. OOn 58th minute Mate Vatsadze entered the field instead of Budu Zivzivadze, who scored after two minutes.   On 70th minute Merab Gigauri, although Lasha Totadze played well. On 78th minute Levan Kharabadze scored the second goal. He played technical and deceived Roin Kvaskhvadze. On 88th minute Mate Tsintadze scored. On the 3rd minute of additional time Tornika Kapanadze equalized the score. He kicked from long distance and the match finished with draw.


Torpedo  2:2  Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Vatsadze 60’  0:2 Kharabadze 78’  1:2 Tsintsadze 88’  2:2 Kapanadze 93’

Booked: Rukhaia 35’  Shengelia 67’  Vatsadze 89’ 


Torpedo: Kvaskhvadze, Tsintsadze, Dape (Lachni 67), Kapanadze, Kukhianidze (Dolidze 57), Azatski, Gegechkori, Kimadze, Marini, Kobakhidze, Gigauri (Hlinka 79)

Dinamo: Sikach, Rukhaia, Totadze, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Kutsia (Ivanishvili 77), Ivanisenia, Shulaia, Kochladze, Shengelia (Ergemlidze 85), Zivzivadze (Vatsadze 58)   

Referee: J. Khorava

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