Dinamo is in quarter final

Today Martvili hosted Georgian Cup 1/8 final match. FC Merani hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi at Murtaz Khurtsilava stadium. The guest created the first dangerous moment on the 6th minute. After long combination Nika Ninua kicked from long distance, but missed the target. In 10 minutes Levan Shengelia attacked and kicked, but at first goalkeeper repelled and then defender played well. FC Merani created dangerous attack on 22nd minute. Nikoloz Khintibidze attacked from right wing, but he missed the target. On 26th minute Merani footballers created fast combination and Amet Dugu missed real chance to score. In the next episode Budu Zivzivadze received ball from Guja Rukhaia and scored. The first half finished with this score.  The second half started in lower speed and with territorial priority of Dinamo. On 78th minute Budu Zivzivadze performed double. On 90th minute Giorgi Tsimakuridze scored one goal after corner kick. Nothing has changed during additional time and Dinamo moved to quarter final. 


Merani  1:2  Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Zivzivadze 28’  0:2 Zivzivadze 78’  1:2 Tsimakuridze 90’ 

Booked: Totadze 16’  Tkeshelashvili 24’  Dugu 40’ 


Merani: Meshveliani, Tkeshelashvili, Zakharchenko, Patsatsia (Kurdgelashvili 67), Meliava, Gegia, Lutsenko (Mosiashvili 46), Tsimakuridze, Dugu, Khintibidze, Tsitskhvaia (Galenko 56)

Dinamo: Buliskeria, Rukhaia, Totadze, Kobouri, Kharabadze, Ninua (Kochladze 79), Ivanisenia, Shengelia, Kutsia (Kardava 69), Shulaia (Ivanishvili 61), Zivzivadze


Referee: I. Kvirikashvili

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