Draw with FC Sioni

Today FC Dinamo Tbilisi played Erovnuli Liga 25th round match at Mikheil Meskhi reserve stadium. FC Sioni Bolnisi hosted our team. The guest team started the match actively and on 5th minute Tornike Zarkua repelled Lasha Totadze’s kick. Our rival started counter attack on 11th minute and Stepan Sikach repelled Vili Isiani’s kick. In 10 minutes Giorgi Kutsia played technically well but ball overcame Zarkua’s door. On 30th minute Sikach repelled Vili Isiani’s kick once more. On the last minute of the first half Giorgi Datunaishvili kicked dangerously but couldn’t score. In the beginning of the second match Dinamo created two dangerous attacks but lost control on ball on the last minute. On 58th minute Dmitro Ivanisenia received the ball and kicked header but missed the target. On 87th minute Mikheil Ergemlidze received the ball from Guja Rukhaia and kicked, but Zarkua saved his team. Finally the match finished without goals.


Sioni  0:0  Dinamo


Booked: Gureshidze 5’  Datunaishvili 44’  Shengelia 67’  Makharoblidze 80’ 


Sioni: Zarkua, Mindorashvili, Gureshidze, Tomashvili, Giorbelidze, Isiani, Khmaladze, Datunaishvili, Kirkitadze (Nozadze 92), Koshkadze (Makharoblidze 78), Tretiak (Lezhava 91)

Dinamo: Sikach, Rukhaia, Totadze, Lochoshvili, Kharabadze, Ninua, Ivanisenia (Kardava 78), Kutsia, Shulaia, Shengelia (Ergemlidze 72), Zivzivadze (Vatsadze 64)


Referee: G. Kruashvili

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