Georgian derby finished with draw

Samtredia hosted 72nd Georgian derby. The match between FC Torpedo Kutaisi and FC Dinamo Tbilisi was very interesting and despite of many good moments and chances neither of the teams could score. Our team started the match actively. Fran Carbia and Levan Kutalia created a good combination, but Roin Kvaskhvadze played well. In response Budu Zivzivadze played well, but Perales and door log saved Dinamo.  On 12th minute of the match Levan Sheneglia attacked but failed to score. The match went on in middle speed and both teams tried not to be risky. Before the end of the first half our team had two moments. In the first episode Levan Kutalia was finishing Davit Kobouri’s and Fran Carbia’s combination and then Carbia’s header missed the target. The second half started with Mate Tsintsadze’s dangerous kick. On 54th minute Kvaskhvadze saved his team again while repelling Levan Kutalia’s header. In response Nodar Kavtaradze attacked from right wing and kicked but missed the target. In three minutes Jose Perales saved Dinamo from Merab Gigauri. In the end of the match goalkeepers showed themselves again. Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled Kutalia’s kick and Perales repelled Richard Luca’s kick. Finally the match finished with draw 0:0. Dinamo will play the next match on April 7 against FC Rustavi at Dinamo Arena.



Torpedo  0:0 Dinamo


Booked: Gigauri 24’  Tsintsadze 28’ Kapanadze 35’ Carbia 43’ 


Torpedo: Kvaskhvadze, Kimadze, Kobakhidze, Gigauri, Gegechkori, Tsintsadze (Chachua 83), Dolidze (Luca 62), Azacki, Kavtaradze, Kapanadze (Tsikaridze 62), Zivzivadze

Dinamo: Perales, Rukhaia, Medioub, Mongil, Kobouri (Iashvili 76), Kardava, Papava, Shengelia, Carbia (Ivanisenya 69), Kukhianidze (Zaria 62), Kutalia


Referee: J. Khorava

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