The fourth victory in turn

Today Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga 18th round match was held at Dinamo Arena in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Wit Georgia. The host team gained priority from the beginning and passed several corners during the first 10 minutes. Dinamo created the first dangerous moment on 13th minute. Levan Kutalia finished Shengelia’s fast attack with strong kick, although ball touched defender and went on corner. Dmitro Ivanisenya received the ball after corner kick and scored with header -1:0.  After that the match continued in a bit low tempus and Wit Georgia created several counter attacks. In the middle of the first half Akaki Shulaia had chance to score but gave pass to his team mate and ball went to corner. On 40th minute our team was saved from goal. Tsotne Mosiashvili missed the target from short distance. In two minutes the guest team equalized the score. Mosiashvili scored.  In response Levan Shengelia kicked header but Levan Isergishvili repelled the ball. Te second half started with Dinamo’s attacks. On 64th minute young Giorgi Abuashvili entered the field. He played well and on 83rd minute managed to score, but defender repelled. In two minutes door log saved Wit Georgia from Nika Ninua’s goal. Finally Dinamo’s attacks had result on the last minute of the match. Levan Shengelia recorded the final result of the match.  On June 19 our team will compete with FC Merani Tbilisi in Georgian Cup 1/8 final.


Dinamo 2:1  Wit Georgia


Goal: 1:0 Ivanisenya 14’  1:1 Mosiashvili 42’  2:1 Shengelia 90’

Booked: Gaprindashvili 53’  Museliani 57’  Isergishvili 67’ 


Dinamo: Peralses, Rukhaia, Medioub, Mongil, Iashvili, Papava (Kukhianidze 80), Ivanisenya (Abuashvili 64), Ninua, Shengelia, Shulaia (Azarovi 59), Kutalia

Wit Georgia: Isergishvili, Gaprindashvili, Kakashvili, Sekhniashvili, Kisiev, Latsabidze, Mosiashvili, Vasadze, Zaridze (Kurdgelashvili 70), Museliani, Mujiri


Refree: I. Kvirikashvili

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