Loss in Tbilisi derby

Tbilisi derby took place at Dinamo Arena. The guest team started the match actively and created the first dangerous moment. Irakli Sikharulidze missed the target. Locomotive scored the first goal. Davit Samurkasov played faster than Stephan Sikach, who was injured at that moment and left the field. In the end of the first half Akaki Shulaia missed the target. The same happened when Nika Ninua kicked. The first half finished with this score.  Dinamo attacked in the second half. Nika Ninua equalized the score after free kick. After that Levan Kutalia kicked but goalkeeper repelled. In spite of Dinamo’s massive attacks, Locomotive scored the second goal on 78th minute. Revaz Injgia scored. Levan Kutalia could chance on 85th minute, but goalkeeper played well. On 90th minute Locomotive recorded the final result of the match. Sikharulidze scored the third goal. Finally our team lost with the score 1:3. Our team will play the next match on May 20 against FC Saburtalo.  

Dinamo 1:3  Locomotive


Goal: 0:1 Samurkasov 24’  1:1 Ninua 54’  1:2 Injgia 78’  1:3 Sikharulidze 90’


Dinamo: Sikach (Perales 26), Rukhaia, Mongil, Kobouri, Iashvili (Rojano 80), Ninua, Papava, Azarovi, Kukhianidze (Kardava 46), Shulaia, Kutalia

Locomotive: Buliskeria, Gureshidze, Tchanturia, Samurkasov (Gvalia 90), Shonia, Kobakhidze (Injgia 66), Komakhidze, Sikharulidze, Dzebniauri, Kirkitadze (Jikia 86), Ubilava


Referee: P. Matcharadze

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