Dinamo defeated Sioni

Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga 20th round match was held in Bolnisi, in which FC Sioni hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. The match started and went on with Dinamo’s priority. On 11th minute Akaki Shulaia missed chance to score. On 30th minute Levan Kutalia kicked form short distance but Oto Goshadze repelled. In the end of the first half Dinamo attacked and Levan Shengelia scored after Akaki Shulaia’s pass. In the beginning of the second half Shengelia and Kutalia missed chances to score. On 71st minute our team attacked from left wing, Davit Kobouri passed and Levan Shengelia performed double. In several minutes Levan Kutalia scored effective goal. He kicked the ball with heel and scored. On 81st minute Arfang Daffe entered the field. He played very well during the rest of the match. Levan Kutalia had one more chance to score but door log saved Sioni. Thus Dinamo won the sixth match in turn and has 1 point less that it’s competitor. Our team will play the next match on July 3 against FC Dinamo Batumi. 

Sioni 0:3 Dinamo

Goal: 0:1 Shengelia 43’  0:2 Shengelia 70’  0:3 Kutalia 79’

Booked: Medioub 42’ Apakidze 63’  Ivanisenya 63’


Sioni: Goshadze, Chachua, Tvildiani (Saganelidze 60), Kikava, Kirkitadze, Sikharulia (Khvadagiani 88), Targamadze, Isiani, Apakidze, Sukhiashvili, Gvaradze

Dinamo: Perales, Iashvili, Medioub, Mongil, Kobouri, Papava (Kardava 67), Ivanisenya, Kukhianidze (Zaria 79), Shulaia (Daffe 81), Shengelia, Kutalia  


Referee: P. Matcharadze

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