Record victory

The first leg match of UEFA Europa League first qualifying round took place at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted UE Engordany. Dinamo started the match actively and gained the priority from the beginning. The first goal was scored on the 6th minute. Nika Ninua performed free kick from about 24 metres-1:0. Before the second goal Levan Kutalia scored with header but missed the target. On 21st minute Giorgi Kukhianidze kicked from very long distance and scored the second goal. The host team created many dangerous moments till the end of the first half, although no more goals were scored. Dinamo started the second half actively again and scored the third goal in several minutes. Nodar Kavtaradze scored after Levan Kutalia’s attempt. After several moments from this episode penalty was appointed against UE Engordany. Levan Kutalia scored the fourth goal with penalty in Panenka style. On 72nd minute Giorgi Kukhianidze finished the beautiful combination with goal and recorded double. Giorgi Zaria recorded the final result of the match after Guja Rukhaia’s pass and scored the sixth goal. After this victory Dinamo recorded record on Euro Arena. In a week our team will travel to Andorra.  


Dinamo  6:0  Engordany


Goal: 1:0 Ninua 6’  2:0 Kukhianidze 21’  3:0 Kavtaradze 61’  4:0 Kutalia (pen) 69’  5:0 Kukhianidze 72’  6:0 Zaria 80’ 

Booked: Bouharma 5’  Varela 66’  Kutalia 71’  Serra 71’  Spano 75’  Zaria 79’ Peppe 85’


Dinamo: Perales, Rukhaia, Mongil, Kobouri, Kimadze, Papava (Zaria 57), Ninua, Kukhianidze (Kardava 76), Shengelia (Daffe 63), Kavtaradze, Kutalia

Engordany: Coca, Brito, Bouharma, Spano (Guida 85), Lafont, Gil (Peppe 71), Soares, Aguero, Serra, Gomez (Maneiro 92), Varela


Referee: Morten Krogh (Denmark)

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