Dinamo continues to win

Georgian dergy took place in Tskaltubo. On May 26 stadium both teams tried to gain priority from the beginning. Dinamo’s defence played well in the beginning and then Roin Kvaskhvadze’s saved his team twice when levan Kutalia and Levan Shengelia attacked. On 18th minute Levan Shengelia kicked well although he  missed the target a bit. On 29th minute Dinamo scored. Nodar Kavtaradze played well on left wing, passed to Kutalia who scored the only goal of the match. Kutalia scored the 12th goal in Erovnuli Liga and moved to the second place among bombardiers. In the end of the first half author of the goal and Tornike Kapanadze exchanged dangerous attacks. In the beginning of the second half Dinamo missed a good chance to score. Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled Nika Ninua’s kick, but Giorgi Papava tried to add although defenders played well. In the second half Torpedo gained territorial priority, but couldn’t score. On 65th minute our team missed another chance to score. Levan Shengelia tried to score but goalkeeper repelled. Finally Dinamo gained 9th victory in turn and returned its first place in the table. Our team will compete with Rustavi on August 25.


Torpedo  0:1  Dinamo

Goal: 0:1 Kutalia 29’

Booked: Papava 51’ Khurtsilava 74’  Shyshka 85’


Torpedo: Kvaskhvadze, Tabatadze, Tchitchinadze, Khurtsilava, Dolidze (Chogadze 70), Kapanadze, Machaidze (Ionanidze 83), Chukvura, Tsetskhladze (Mosiashvili 69), Poniava, Tsitskishvili

Dinamo: Perales, Iashvili, Mediob, Mongil, Kimadze, Papava, Ninua (Shyshka 79), Kukhianidze (Shulaia 53), Shengelia, Kavtaradze (Kardava 60), Kutalia


Referee: J. Khorava

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