Draw with FC Rustavi

Erovnuli Liga 25th round match was held at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Rustavi. On 4th minute Kukhianidze had chance to score but he kicked inexactly. In several minutes Levan Shengelia missed the target after Nodar Kavtaradze’s pass. On 8th minute Abdel Medioub was badly injured and he left the pitch. After that Kukhianidze kicked header inexactly again. On 18th minute Dinamo’s massive attacks had result and Levan Shengelia scored the first goal. Shengelia was also injured and he was also substituted. Dinamo scored one more goal but referee showed offside. The second half started with Nika Ninua’s beautiful goal from long distance-2:0. In several minutes Beka Kavtaradze scored. On 67th minute Nodar Kavtaradze missed the target. In three minutes our team missed another chance to score. At first Kutalia tried to score and then Kavtaradze miised the target. In response Beka Kavtaradze equalized the score and recorded the final result of the match-2:2. After 9 victories in 9 rounds, Dinamo finished this match with draw. Our team will play the next match on August 29 against FC Dila Gori.   


Dinamo  2:2  Rustavi


Goal: 1:0 Shengelia 18’  2:0 Ninua 50’  2:1 B. Kavtaradze 54’  2:2 B. Kavtaradze 84’ 

Booked: Ninua 47’  Kimadze 56’ 


Dinamo: Perales, Iashvili, Medioub (Shyshka 8), Mongil, Kimadze, Papava, Ninua, Kukhianidze (Kardava 69), Shengelia (Daffe 36), N. Kavtaradze, Kutalia

Rustavi: Kulua, Silagadze, Imnadze, Nozadze, Latsabidze (Tevzadze 71), Vasadze, Bugulov (Sitchinava 46), Kapanadze (Lezhava 87), Kochladze, B. Kavtaradze, Gujanidze


Referee: I. Kvirikashvili

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