Shota Arveladze visited Dinamo academy

Today Shota Arevladze visited Dinamo academy. Outstanding forwards of Dinamo Tbilisi, Georgian national team and European football attended the training process, then he met academy players, spoke with them on different interesting issues and gifted them with his books with signatures.

Shota Arveladze: First of all, I want to thank Dinamo, as this place is important for me. Probably for all Georgians who have an association with some talent, love Georgian genes, love Georgian sports. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to come here and give you this little story of mine. I said that maybe someone will ever be useful somewhere. I was convinced that I would be in a good environment and so it happened. I saw a lot of old friends. I am from Dinamo. I have always been proud , I am also proud of the fact that I was, am and will be a Dinamo player! Dinamo is always a winner.

The meeting was also attended by the leaders of Dinamo Academy and the club. The general director of the team Zaza Dolidze symbolically presented Shota Arveladze with the number 11 T-shirt of Dinamo.

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