Dinamo Tbilisi 1-2 Dinamo Batumi

Today Erovnuli Liga 21st round central match was held at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Dinamo Batumi. Both teams started the match in middle speed and both of them tried to gain priority. On 17th minute Zoran Marusic played well and scored the first goal of the match-1:0. In the next episode our team had chance to score the second goal, but Lazare Kupatadze repelled Giorgi Gabedava’s kick on corner. On 26th minute Marusic attacked again, Irakli Azarov played against him, but referee continued the match without fine. In about 10 minutes Dinamo’s goalkeeper saved his team. Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled Grigol Chabradze’s kick on corner.  In the end of the first match at first Tornike Morchiladze had chance and then Giorgi Pantsulaia kicked, but Roin Kvaskhvadze played well.  During additional time Giorgi Kutsia missed chance to score. The second match started with the game in the center. On 54th minute Dinamo scored but linesman showed offside.  Dinamo Batumi gained territorial priority, but no real moments were created. Milan Radin kicked from long distance on 65th minute, but he missed the target. On 79th minute Irakli Azarovi equalized the score-1:1. On 87th minute Luka Gagnidze kicked but missed the target. On 90th minute Flamarion scored the second goal in favor of Batumi.  During additional time our team had two chances to score, but goalkeeper and defenders of Dinamo Batumi played well. Finally, Dinamo Batumi won the match.


Dinamo Tbilisi 1-2 Dinamo Batumi

Goal: 1-0 Marusic 17’  1-1 Azarovi 79’  1-2 Flamarion 90’ 

Booked: Gabedava 21’  Altunashvili 25’  Kutsia 39’ Flamarion 90’ 


Dinamo Tbilisi: Kvaskhvadze, Mongil, Gbegnon, Khvadagiani (Kobouri 58), Kardava, Papava (Mekvabishvili 78), Kharabadze, Morchiladze (Sporkslede 67), Kutsia (Gagnidze 67), Gabedava (Radin 58), Marusic

Dinamo Batumi: Kupatadze, Tedi (Navalovsky 83), Margvelashvili, Zaria (Flamarion 54), Jighauri (Shindagoridze 75), Pantsulaia (Sanogo 75), Azarovi, Mamuchashvil (Gaprindashvili 54), Altunashvili, Kobakhidze, Chabradze


Referee: I. Kvirikashvili 

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